Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


~Rose Hearthaway's P.O.V.

Blah blah blah. Mornings! you get then I get up do my thang, and then go downstairs and eat. Simple as that, and never changes.

We were at school currently in fifth period. Max an I actually didn't sit together in that class. We just got our seats changed. We had table groups and I sat with random people. But what got me mad was the table that Max was sitting in was with Samantha, and they were sitting face to face. I hate her so much! This ain't cool!

I had a good view of them which was good, she better not do anything to him. Oh my gosh why am I like this. I should stop, nothing will happen, hopefully. The class feels like the longest class ever! We had a group activity so that means talking to your group. And I don't know any of theses people, help me!

"Umm Rosie, are you going to help us?" some guy name Louis asked.

"Um yes." I just focused on the group activity for the rest of the class, I'm not going to let this stupid jealousy get the best of me and my school work.

The bell rang and I was out of the class faster then ever. I was relieved that it was a Friday. Tomorrow was when my parents finally come! Eepp so excited! Today was basically planned out to finish the project with Max but I don't know if he is still coming. I told him I was going to walk to the mall and then to my house because I needed to buy some stuff for the project. So I don't have a ride today. I'll give him a call to see if he is still coming over.


~Max Knight's P.O.V.

"Hello?" I asked picking up my phone.

"Are you still coming over?" Rosie asked.

"For what?"

"For the project, dummy."

"Yeah about that, I'm busy with my stuff. So how about you do it and just put my name on it."

"Haha, how about you come over and help me with the project and then I will put your name on it. Come on Max, I don't want to do it by myself." she said. Ugh I hate projects.

"Fine. I'm only coming over because I want to be with you. Don't expect me to do any work though." I said.

"Whatever just come." She said bluntly.

"Okay I'll be there at 5, hopefully."

"Max you better come, if you don't I will hunt you down personally!" she yelled.

"Gosh come the heck down I'll be there. I got to go bye." And then I hung up on her.

"Max come down, Samantha is here." My mom yelled. Oh my God! Samantha! No!! Why does she have to be here? Ugh! I got up from my bed and not bothering to wash my face, I went downstairs.

"Honey, Samantha is here come and sit here together in the living room." My mom said. I sat on the couch not bothering to look at Samantha. I shouldn't be too rude, I should at least say something.

"Hi" I said and then just looked away.

"Okay, I'll go make a little snack, you guys go ahead and talk about whatever." With that my mom left the kitchen. I hope she makes something yummy I haven't eaten anything.

"You have a nice house." She said.

"Thanks." I really didn't want to have a conversation right now, I was tired and hungry. I should've just gone to Rosie's house. Maybe i'll just leave a little earlier than five o'clock.

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