Written in the stars - ONESHOT

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"I do not believe in what the stars say. They do not tell me how to feel, or who I will love. They are just lights of fallen kings and queens and knights in the sky. A gate way, not a love sentence" Hiccup said to himself as he looked up into the velvet night sky, his chin resting on his palm as the other hand played with the silk of his nightshirt.

Hiccup was prince of Berk, a place that roamed with dragons, however, nonthreatening. Hiccup was a quiet prince with little interest for the royal life, and how he now questioned the stars and their power, had just showed his offhand rebel side. Hiccup was a Viking and a prince, so his father found it only natural for his son to have a few rebel traits, however, not everything was accepted.

Hiccup sighed "I do not want to get married, I am only 17, that's too young"

It was tradition in Berk that the prince married young so his legacy was long, and his future child was old enough to take the throne before Hiccup passed away. Hiccup had to have someone to love, royal or not, but in his father's eyes, it had to be a woman whereas Hiccup saw a man in his eyes.

It was not his fault he was born different, or that his interests were sparked by another male instead of perky woman with possible no taste for Hiccup, but for the fame and fortune held in his family's heritage. Hiccup wanted someone who could have fun and explore the lands far from home, he wanted adventure, not hard work and deadlines.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't a prince" Hiccup whispered coldly, his breath puffed out like smoke in the winter air. Hiccup sighed again as a cold nose rubbed his closed fist, a low purr echoing from the dragon that sat next to the prince on the stone balcony of his castle home. Hiccup smiled and opened his hand, petting the scaly snout of his dragon companion, and glancing down into light green eyes of the nightfury.

"Hey bud" he said, earning another low purr that resounded around the auburn haired boy, making his smile only widen. "Let's go for a flight" Hiccup told his 'toothless' companion, earning a yap of excitement before the two made their way out of Hiccup's large room, bounding down the stairs with little to no care of waking the residents of such a large castle.

As Hiccup and his winged friend made it to the large castle doors in the entrance hall, a low and booming voice called out to the rebellious teen, causing a groan to escape the auburn haired males' lips. "Where do you think you are going at this time of hour?" asked his father, Stoick, curiously.

"Just out for a nightly flight with Toothless here" the teen said as he turned to his father respectfully, bowing at his presence. "Very well, just come back before midnight" Stoick said sternly, though happiness was hidden behind his thick tone. "Okay father" Hiccup nodded, beaming at his father before going to the door and opening it wide with all his might.

"Oh Hiccup, remember our neighboring kingdom's son is coming for a visit, you must show him around and get him acquainted with his new surroundings" Stoick informed his highly absentminded son, earning a smile brighter than the early morning sun. "Of course father, I will wake up extra early in the morn to greet him" and with that, the young prince jumped onto his winged friend and took off into the night sky, enjoying the cool night air.


Hiccup's eyes fluttered open as the early winter sun basked its warm glow through the princes green curtains, playing its dance of golden ribbons on the fur blanket Hiccup lay under, warming him up slowly the longer it nestled into the fabric.

Hiccup smiled and sat up, letting the blanket roll off of his small form and wrinkled bed shirt, stretching and popping his sleep slicked limbs. It was accustom for the young teen prince to wake up in the early morn, earlier than his father but not earlier for the maids to be up and about. Hiccup jumped out of his bed with excitement, bouncing towards his balcony doors and opening them wide to allow the sun to seep in along with the early winter air.

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