Stuck in time with you - ONESHOT

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The air was cold as winter upon the mountain tops constantly dragged on. No one has ever dared to travel up there, and those who did, came back blue or didn't come back at all. You were a fool if you decided to haul yourself up there, and one man did, and he didn't come back.

But legend has it, the man refused to come back because he found love at the very peak of the mountain. Some say he was crazy, and some say they saw the 300-year-old man, looking not a day over twenty, with another male beside him.


"Are you insane?!" she called over the roar of the winds, worry lacing her tone. "I am as sane as I was when I started this journey!" I called back, staring up at the incredible mountain before me from the summit.

"You are a mad man! Why are you doing this?!" she questioned. "Something is calling me up there Astrid! And I don't care what you say, I'm going up there!" I told her as I adjusted my climbing gear and fixed my goggles.

"Hiccup, please! I am not following you up there!" Astrid begged, her voice filling with tears. "You don't have to!" I yelled, tugging on my gloves before starting my journey up the mountain. "You better come back Haddock!" she yelled once more before her voice became nothing but a whisper in the wind.


The winter clothes I was bundled up in did nothing to shield me from the winds, from the cold. I hugged my waist and continued to make my way up the mountain, my legs getting tired from the long incline. "Maybe Astrid was right" I whispered to myself "maybe I am insane"

I was starting to feel my body go numb when the snow ahead of me cleared, showing a small hut attached to the very edge of the mountain top. I let out a happy sigh as I trudged towards it, my body starting to shake.

The hut was a dark, withered oak color with snow clinging to the windows and rooftop. One of the lights was on, creating a honey colored glow amongst one of the windows. I welcomed the bright color, quickly resembling it to warmth, as I approached the withered door.

I raised a shaking hand to the wood and knocked, sending a loud thud to echo through the inside of the house.

Commotion could be heard from beyond the door, and a voice, low and deep, uttered words that I could not understand. The withered door opened in a flash, a burst of warmth wrapping around me.

At the door was a boy, almost twenty years old by the looks of it, with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. The boy's skin was pale and he was respectfully wrapped up in a quilt.

"Oh gods, you almost look blue," he exclaimed, surprised to see me, a complete stranger, at his door step. "please, come in." The boy took my arm and carefully brought me inside, closing the door tightly behind me.

The house was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, warmer too. I hummed at the feeling, not caring how strange I looked.

The boy smiled up at me. "You can take off your jacket and leave it on the hook beside you, your boots can go on the floor next to them." I nodded and took off my jacket, boots, cap, goggles and gloves and put them all relatively close to one another.

I smiled my thanks as the other male brought me into his living room, sat me down into a tan armchair and placed a quilt, similar to his, around my shoulders.

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked, a gentle hand placed on my shoulder. "Sure" I nodded "thank you"

He smiled and disappeared into another room.

The living room was warm and welcoming. The fire place was lit with a fresh flame, bathing the room in an amber glow. The house looked like any other that I see on Berk; small and simply decorated with light fur rugs, thin white drapery hanging from bronze rods, simple carved wood tables surrounded by tan furniture, withered oak walls and withered oak floors with hand carved designs.

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