Veiled - ONESHOT

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(A/N- This was actually going to be a story but I lost all ideas when I got into chapter 5 -which doesn't exist- so I was left with four long chapters. Instead of wasting time uploading a 4 chapter story, I put them all together and made a very, very long oneshot. Hope you enjoy! P.s- Picture is Hiccup's tattoo)

I whipped my brow. My glasses smudging as my thumb grazed over the shinning glass, leaving a grease mark over my right eye. I groaned and pulled my glasses off, placing them in my pocket and continued to run.

I was too tired to care. I wasn't blind anyway, just distance was a blur, somewhat.

It was gym day, and in my school, that meant gym all day. It was only once a week but I always despised it either way.

I, as weak and scrawny as I looked, was really good at gym. Now that seems confusing on why I hate the subject, since I'm so good at it.

Well, there is a kid in my class. His name is Scott. Scott Lout. I silently groaned as he passed me, hissing an insult under his breath. I snickered and pressed onwards, taking the last bit of energy I had to pass Scott and the finish line.

I came to a halt and smirked, turning my gaze to the breathless bully behind me. His eyes are wide and dark, anger in his blue orbs. I shrugged and walked away, plopping myself in the middle of the field.

I let my smirk fall as I let a soft smile cross my lips. The air was cool and gentle against my sweat-soaked skin. I raised a hand up and through my hair, letting my chestnut mop become a stingy mess upon my head.

"Oi, Haddock!" I heard Scott call, his voice distant but serious. I waved him off and rolled over onto my side, closing my eyes and blindly playing with the grass.

"Haddock!" He screamed again, louder this time. I opened my eyes just in time to feel something hard collide with my back. I yelped and jumped to my feet before he could hit me again.

"What" I hissed, standing up straighter so I was towering over him. I was eighteen and he was seventeen. Though I hit my growth-spirt a while ago, he was still working on his. Must be a slow reader.

Scott didn't back down. He only scoffed and flung his head to the side, flicking his dark brown hair from his eyes. "You think that you're taller than me and faster makes you any less than a target?" he smirked and reached up and faster than I could stop, grabbed onto my sweaty hair and pulled me down to my knees.

I groaned and looked up, squinting against the sun that passed his bulky form.

"You may be tall, but I will always be stronger" he boasted, raising up his other hand to hit me across the face. Hard.

I closed my eyes and let his fist collide with my face. This only made my fifth beating this week, though the second in one day. And it was Thursday.

"Okay! Okay! Knock it off Lout!" The teacher hollered. Yet it sounded more like a whisper to my ears, which were probably bleeding or something. Soon Scott's hands left my hair and face, a cold breeze hitting my sweat and blood covered face.

"You okay Hiccup?" asked Mr. Blake, his voice concerned. I opened my eyes slowly, my vison blurred. "No" whispered, fighting back the pained tears. "You're on leave kid. Go get cleaned up and head home, your done for the day"

I nodded and slowly got up, grabbing my backpack off the bench before walking out of the field.

I didn't bother making that left turn passed the café and into the boy's bathroom, I just pushed forwards and signed myself out before walking out. Ignoring the concerned glances my way.

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