New kid. Part 2 - ONESHOT

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(A/N- Beware, this isn't very long sadly but, i hope you enjoy!)

*Hiccups' POV*

Hours would be spent watching the shadows creep along my ceiling, making images of my worst fears. I would just watch, breath, and watch again. I was still under my covers, almost as if I lost all feeling in my body. My mind was numb and swirling with thoughts and my heart ached.

A few months passed and my wedding was just around the corner. Was I scared for the wedding? No that wasn't it. I was more scared for the fact that Jack has been coming home late. It was one of those cliché moments where someone in a relationship doesn't come home in time for dinner, or just late in general, resulting in paranoia, and raging thoughts that make you think the other is being unfaithful.

I exhaled dryly and rolled over to my side, expecting to see a head of white hair, but was greeted by a neatly made bed. I frowned deeper and let a few sad tears escape. Jack was going to leave me wasn't he? He was going to leave for some perky girl or some guy he found in the mall. The thought made me cry harder.

I looked at the clock through my tears and studied the time; 11:45 pm. I groaned and forced myself to sit up, still under the covers with my knees close to my chest. Tears still raced down my cheeks as I looked over to my bed side table, picking up the engagement ring delicately like it would break under my touch. The ring was beautiful and it reminded me of Jack.

It was a simple golden band with small diamonds decorating it all around. I inspected the ring and read the inscription. For a spilt second I thought it was a completely different name engraved in cursive writing, but thankfully, it was just my tears and lack of sleep messing with my head.

My tears were interrupted as a familiar sound echoed throughout the house; it was the front door opening. I gulped and ran a hand over my face, wiping away my tears. As the front door closed I got up from the bed, and traveled the hallways; not caring how tired and beaten I looked.

I was not surprised when Jack made his way up the stairs, facing me with wide eyes. I was standing in front of the stairs with my head down; my eyes were sagging and dark circles were painted underneath them, my hair was a mess, my smile was long gone, and my skin was pale. "Hiccup, are you okay?" he asked and it seemed like he forced the worry into his voice; he acted like he still cared.

"Where were you?" I asked as my head swirled with questions.

"Hiccup— "

"Why are you coming home late?"

"Hiccup listen— "

"Am I not good enough?"

"Hiccup. Stop." Jack's voice was firm and it was now that I heard the true pain in his voice. I raised my eyes just as he walked up the last step, holding my shoulders gently. "What's got you thinking this?" he asked, his voice truly worried. "You come home late..." I whispered under my breath.

"Hiccup, darling, I would never leave you. You will always mean everything to me" His hand raised up to brush back my hair, revealing my eyes. "Then why are you so late to come home? I am so tired of not having you here." I seemed to be begging for the answer, and now, I really thought I was. I was desperate for clarity.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, but I can't stand to see you hurting like this" He kissed my forehead, pulling me close. "What is it?" I whimpered, acting like a child who so badly wanted what was taken from him. "It's better that I show you" he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

I hesitantly nodded and let him take me where ever this 'surprise' was.


Jack got out of the car and moved around to help me out, I felt his hands around mine, yet the world around me was dark due to the blindfold I had to wear. I was scared. I didn't like my field of vision stolen away from me, but I hated losing Jack more, so, I went with it.

"Just follow my lead and don't let go of my hands" I heard Jack say as he helped me walk. The world around me began to echo with our footsteps. My fears slowly rose and when we stopped, my body was shaking.

"It's okay Hiccup; take off the blindfold" Jack instructed as his hands left mine; I missed his warmth.

I did as I was told and as I took it off, it fell from my hands as I stared in awe at the room around me; my heart throbbed at the sight. I was currently in the center of a large church, standing in front of the altar. The room was painted in a heavenly light. Chairs, tables, and flowers were white and the carpet and the ribbons around the altar were pink.

I looked around and above me was a crystal chandelier that looked like a shining spider web, dangling delicately above my head.

Tears of guilt and happiness fell down my cheeks. "This is why you have been coming home so late? You were setting up our entire wedding, by yourself?" I gaped at him as our eyes met; relief striking me as I saw the happiness in his eyes.

"I wanted it to be special" he told me, his smile rising on his cheeks. I smiled in awe and pulled him close, not hesitating to kiss his lips happily. Jack chuckled against my lips and kissed back, letting his fingers get lost in my hair.

I pulled away from his lips and playfully glared at him, making him smirk in amusement. "Don't ever do that to me again" I instructed not completely fooling around. Jack noticed this and smiled softly, letting his hands caress my cheeks. "I won't" he whispered and captured my lips, holding me as close as he could.


Years passed and Jack had married me without any regrets. I married him with nothing to fear. It was late at night and I was home alone, yet, I had no fear for Jack being unfaithful. He wasn't out doing anything wrong, he was out doing something completely different.

As time ticked on I barely even heard the door open, I was nose deep in a book I was writing; it was called "new kid". I was writing: 'Under my lips I felt his face heat up, and under the circumstances, I tried to move closer. I put my lips to his slowly, breathing in the sweet scent of cool mint that lingered on his skin. Jack flinched under my touch. I gulped, slightly afraid, and pulled away, only to be stopped by Jack's hands that pulled me even closer; his lips capturing mine in a quick attempt of a kiss.

I gasped internally and let my eyes flutter shut. My arms found their own way around Jack's shoulders. I groaned as Jack kissed me deeper, holding me as close as he could. I pulled away for air, gasping for a single, steady breath.

I opened my eyes, looking into bright blue orbs.'

"Hiccup! I'm home!" Jack called from the door, not noticing me on the couch. "Welcome back" I said as I stopped typing to look up into his bright eyes, he smiled. "What are you writing about?" asked a little voice, making me smile. I placed my computer down to pick up the person the voice echoed from.

"I'm writing about Daddy and I" I told the little girl in my arms. She was my daughter; Suzie. "Am I going to be in it?" she asked cheerfully, her green eyes shining. "Of course" I told her and she clapped her hands in delight before hugging me tight, her head under my chin.

I looked up at Jack and he shook his head is awe, coming over to give me a hug too. I smiled wider and kissed Suzie's hair and kissed Jack's cheek. My family was complete and I felt happy.

(A/N- Do you see what I did there? Haha, also there is a hint in this story regarding Suzie who is from my story 'star crossed' and who is Winter from my old 'frostcup series'—which will get a rewrite soon. So quick question: if Suzie is their daughter in this one, what will Suzie be in 'star crossed'?)

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