Every day was different - ONESHOT

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I jumped in my car, cradling a warm paper cup in my hands. I took off my glasses and placed them on the dashboard, wiping the rain from my eyes.

"You are not going to believe the..." I trailed off as I looked over at him. He sat there his eyes wide and face pale as he looked out the window. "Jack?" I spoke but he didn't seem to hear me. I narrowed my eyes and followed his gaze.

Standing out in the rain was a woman with an umbrella over her head, her icy blue eyes trained on something other than Jack's captivating gaze. She looked familiar. Like I've seen her in pictures or walking in the opposite direction as me down a sidewalk.

Clearly this woman was either familiar to Jack or otherwise intriguing to him. I frowned at that thought. I wiped my face and thankfully it was just rain water.

I tapped Jack's shoulder, catching his attention. He turned towards me with wide eyes, almost as if he was in a daze. "I got your coffee" I told him, trying to ignore what I had just witnessed. Jack quickly regained his posture and smiled warmly at me.

"Thanks" he said as he took the coffee from my grip. Thankfully he had it in his hands before mine started to shake uncontrollably.


All that was on my mind for the past week was how Jack looked at that girl. Jack and I never expressed feelings more than friendship towards each other, but that was mainly because I didn't know if he felt the way I did.

Jack had dated girls before so that was one of my reasons why I never said anything. Another reason was because he just had a falling out with a girl that lasted for over 3 years. I never really met her though. I was all over the place with work and family issues to have anytime for myself, let alone Jack and his girlfriend.

I didn't think that Jack would have fallen in love with another girl so quickly, but then again, his gaze looked more inquisitive than infatuated. I don't know why it bothered me so much. Maybe it was that feeling, that want, in the back of my mind that craved him to look at me in that way, to love me in the way he did with those girls he dated.

I sighed and trained my thoughts on something else. It was midnight and I could not sleep so I went for a walk around the local park. I guess I was trying to rid my thoughts of what won't leave me alone.

I adjusted my glasses and looked over towards the pond, my eyes skimming the rim of the sodden sand. Catching my eye was a head of white hair belonging to a male sitting by the water's edge. I knew that head of hair anywhere. In fact, he was the only one I knew with hair that white.

I walked up to the pond and sat down next to him, making him jump. "Hiccup! I swear to god don't do that!" he exclaimed, holding his chest. I chuckled weakly and shrugged. "Sorry, I just saw you sitting here so I thought I'd join you"

Jack blushed and smiled.

It was the way he was looking at me now that had me thinking. I never been the one to get Jack to blush, unless it was out of embarrassment. Though this didn't look remotely close to embarrassment. It looked more like he was nervous, blushing because of the fact that I cared so much about him.

The way he was looking at me didn't help either. He was staring at me with infatuated eyes. I shuttered at the sight and tried looking away, but no matter how many times I screamed pointless directions in my head, my body refused to listen.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to" he mumbled, his gaze still locked on mine. "Well I thought that I should keep you company while I'm here" I replied coolly, yet on the inside I was screaming. Jack nods and rests his chin on his knee's looking up at me though his eyelashes. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Why are you here?" he wonders.

"Uh, I couldn't sleep...there's a lot on my mind"

"Same, I can't seem to think straight"

I nod and run a hand through my hair, still not yet broken eye contact with Jack's bright blue eyes. "What's on your mind?" I asked, and deep down I knew I was only asking to find out if Jack's thoughts were fogged by that girl he saw a week ago.

"Well I saw my ex the other day...and I guess it got me thinking about what I'm doing still single. I guess I'm now figuring out some feelings I never knew I had..." he mumbles and never once did he look away. His eyes stayed locked with mine as if he was trying to tell me something, but that was just in my head, right?

"I guess I'm figuring out some feelings too" I said, finally looking away.

It was strange how everything was now falling into place, and exactly where I wanted them to go. That girl a week ago must have been Jack's ex, the one I never met no less, and these spiraling thoughts and constant eye contact had to be those feelings that Jack was talking about.

I bit my lip and turned back to him, slightly surprised with how close he had gotten without me noticing. I gulped as I stared into his eyes, not wanting to look away even if i could.

Without a word Jack leaned closer to me and kissed my lips. I let out a heavy breath and kissed back, my whole body shaking and I couldn't control it.

His lips were soft and they were captivating, designing feelings for me that I never knew were this strong. Without even trying I moved closer, wanting more, and with how it was only us here in the middle of the night, I didn't care that we were in the sand.

Jack hummed against my lips and pulled me closer, letting me hover over him. I pulled away to adjust to the situation while looking around us to make sure we were alone, but before I could clarify my thoughts, Jack pulled me back into our dream.

"I only see you here" he whispered "and I've waited too long for a moment like this with you, I'm not waiting any longer"

I smiled and ignored the world around me, only focusing on Jack and his body that seemed to only belong to me as I kissed every inch of him. I knew it was wrong to think that Jack and everything about him was mine and mine alone, but in this moment, I didn't want anything to take him away.

Jack was free to do as he pleased and his body was his alone, it was only my pleasure to be able to love him in this way now.


After that night in the park Jack called me almost every morning, and one day, he asked if he could move in, and then every morning after that he woke me up so I could see his happy smile before I went to work.

Every night with Jack living with me was always different. Since I always came home late Jack made it part of his day to stay up and wait, and once I came home, he greeted me with new things. He would make me dinner sometimes if I had forgotten to eat out, or said that I had forgotten just so I could taste his cooking.

Sometimes we would have a movie night, even though I was supposed to go to work early in the morning, but those nights happened more on Fridays.

The weekends were the best part. I don't know what it was that made them so enjoyable, maybe it was because all day was dedicated to just the two of us. Thank god it was another great weekend today. I desperately needed a break.

I woke up on the couch with Jack's head on my chest. I smiled at the sight of his sleeping face and ran a hand through his hair, enjoying the feeling of his soft, white locks getting knotted around my fingers. Jack moaned at the feeling, still sleeping peacefully.

I hummed and let my fingers trace down his back, feeling the deep crevice of Jack's spine and each bump and divot. I made goosebumps form along his bare skin.

Jack moaned again, this time his eyes opening and looking up into mine. He smiled and traced invisible hearts on my bicep. I smiled.

Every day was different with Jack around. Either it be the long mornings just waking up to see his smile and kissing his lips, or the nights that were never identical to the one before it, or the weekends where it was just us bathing in the sun or basking in the love that we share.

Every day was different and I wouldn't give this up for anything.

(A/N~ I apologize for not writing much for 'Star Crossed'. My idea's just haven't been flowing as well as they used to. I will keep updating but to my own pace. I hope these oneshots will help fill in the gaps for my lack of updates.)

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