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OMFG you got it up to TEN votes! Thanks Guyz!

here is the next chapter!


Niall started to explain how he had decided to take the boys on a 'tour of Ireland' for a few days. 

" We flew to Waterford airport yesterday, because we had decided there would be less people there. We were going to drive from Waterford to Dublin airport as a sort of road trip. But we didn't bring any security guards with us because we figured  if we were careful and wore disguises, no one would recognise us." 

Well that worked out well.

"When we got here. I had suggested that we should walk around wearing disguises."

 "I told them! I told them it was a bad idea! But did they lis-," Liam started to interrupt.  But Harry whacked him on the back of the head to get him to shut up.

" We dressed up in sunglasses and pink wigs," Niall

"Pink wigs?" Juli asked.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," grumbles Louis.

Niall cleared his throat, " Can I continue?". We all stopped talking.

"Thanks, anyway, we decided to go to Mac Donald's I ... sorta..," He trailed off.

Zayn sighed. " He tweeted where we were".

I looked at Niall. He was slowly turning red and looking at the ground. Awww.

I pulled out my IPod and opened twitter.

@NiallOfficial: Hey Everyone! Enjoying some Mac Donald's and Loving being in Ireland xxxx.

" And the Directioners soon managed to find out which Mac Donald's we were in, and soon we were surrounded," Zayn explained.

I couldn't help but laugh. Directioners were better than the FBI.

"So we snuck out the back door, but then LOUIS bent down to pick up a coin and his wig fell off," Liam said, looking at Louis.

I laughed again. They were millionaires, yet they still stopped to pick up a coin.

"I thought it would be lucky!" Louis complained, defending himself.

"Yeah really lucky, anyway they recognised his hair immediately and started to chase us," Niall said. "So we decided our best chance was to ask a local for help".

"And I'm glad it was you," Harry said winking at  me.

I felt myself turning red and I looked at the ground.

OMG. Harry Styles just winked at me!

"So...," Juli said clearing her throat ", How long are you planning on staying?"

"Juli!" I said shocked ", They can stay for as long as they want!"

"Thank you!" They chorused, and jumped on me for a group hug.

"Ugh... Guys can't....breath," I gasped. They got off me.

"Thanks," I said.

"But seriously. I think we might be here for a few day at least," Liam said scratching his head.

Juli groaned. I shot her a warning glance.

"Well we might as well make the most of it!" Harry suddenly said smiling.

"SLEEPOVER!!" Louis screamed jumping on me again.

I groaned. He was heavier than he looked.

"Louis...Get....Off," I mumbled.

"No I am quite comfortable here, thank you very much," he said.

I sighed. It was starting to get hard to breath.

I heard a cry and felt Louis' weight being Lifted of me. I sat up and saw Niall and Louis wrestling.

"Get off me you strange little leprechaun!" Louis screamed.

I crossed my arms. Niall wasn't the only Irish one anymore.

"What did you say about leprechauns Louis?" I asked. Niall and Louis stopped wrestling.

"Um.. N-Nothing," Louis stuttered.

Niall burst out laughing at the scared look on Louis' face. I even heard Juli snigger.

"You do realise there are now THREE leprechauns in this room. Don't you Louis?" I asked. I was enjoying myself now.

"Uh..Um..". He was now looking from Niall to Juli who were both slowly getting up and moving towards him. The others were laughing too.

I stood up. Niall and Juli were now next to me.

"ATTACK!" I screamed and the three of us shot towards Louis.

He screamed and ran away, with us chasing him. He ran up the stairs and, to my horror, into my room.

"Noooo!" I screamed as he shut the door and locked it. I started banging on the door and screaming at Louis to get out.

"No! You will never get me aliv- Oh My God!" I heard him shout.

Niall looked at me curiously, Juli however started laughing. She knew what my room looked like.

"Niall, mate. You have to see this!" shouted Louis, opening the door.

Oh crap.


Ooooh what will her room look like??

Hope this was long enough!



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