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I woke up to people whispering.

"Aww, they are so cute!"

"Shh, you'll wake them!"

"I'm taking a picture, do you have a camera?"

"If you take a picture, I will rip off your arms Tomilson," I mumbled. I opened my eyes and tryed to move, but I found a pair of arms wrapped securely around my waist. I turned over slightly to see Niall's face inches from my own.

I tried to wiggle my way out of his arms, but his grip just tightened.

"Niall, Niall wake up," I whispered into his ear.

"No....I...don't want to...go to school...," he mumbled.

I clapped my hand to my mouth, to stop myself laughing.

I looked up to see Louis, Zayn and Liam standing there dressed in yesterdays clothes, with an amused look on their faces.

"Don't just stand there, help!" I whispered/shouted at them. Liam came over to me and managed to pull me out of Niall's grasp. I stoop up and looked at Niall, who was now hugging a pillow.

"Where's Juli and Harry," I asked, and Zayn pointed over to one of the mattresses. I had to suppress another giggle as I looked over to them. Harry had his arms wrapped around Juli. I know for a fact that they didn't fall asleep like that. In fact wern't they on other sides of the floor?

I ran upstairs to get my Ipod. When I got back downstairs, I quickly opened the camera and took a picture. Ha ha ha, Juli was going to murder me.

I was suddenly hit with a brilliant idea.

"Guys, lets wake Juli up," I whispered to Louis, Liam and Zayn. They nodded and we made our way over to them. I kneeled down next to Juli, and poked her. 

"Juli, wake up," I whispered, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"What.. What's going on?" she yawned. I pointed to the arms wrapped around her waist and she looked down and gasped. She snapped her head up, and turned to look at Harry's sleeping face.

"Come on," I laughed and pulled her out of Harry's grip.

"I..I don't know what happened," she stammered," We...we didn't fall asleep like that!"

I laughed again,"Don't worry," Niall and I woke up like that to".

I turned to the others," How do you guys feel about pulling a prank on these two?" I asked, motioning to the two sleeping boys.

"What did you have in mind?" Louis asked, with an evil smirk on his face.

I grinned, and explained it to them quickly. It wasn't an advanced prank, but it would picture perfect.

Liam, Zayn and Juli went over to Harry, while Louis and I went over to Niall. We gently began to push him towards Harry, as the others pushed Harry towards Niall.

When they were close enough to each other, we removed the pillow from Niall's grasp, and wrapped his arms around Harry, we then wrapped Harry's arms around Niall.

They snuggled into each other and mumbled quietly, before starting to snore gently. Harry even put his leg over Niall's.

We all stood back with our hands over our mouths to stop ourselves from laughing. They looked so funny! 

I quickly grabbed my ipod again and snapped a picture. Perfect!

"Lets wake them up," Liam suggested , and we all nodded in agreement.

"Let us," I said and whispered to Juli,"Can you scream?"

She nodded and I looked over to the boys. "Fingers in ears," I said, and they did as they were told.

I turned back to Juli and mouthed 1,2,3..

We both let out a high pitched scream, and Harry's and Niall's eyes shot open.

They both looked confused for a moment, but then they realised what position they were in.

They scrambled to their feet, and glared at us. We burst out laughing, and I fell to the floor.

When we managed to calm down. I looked up and blushed.

They were both still in their boxers.

"Well, I'm going to go and get dressed!" I announced and got up.

"Me too," said Juli and we made our way upstairs. Juli went into Ruby's room, and I headed into mine.

I pulled out a pair of jeans, and a cute purple, dip-dyed top.

I layed them on the bed and headed to the bathroom, I stripped and turned on the shower. I hopped in and let the hot water fall over my hair and body.

"ALEX! HURRY UP!" Juli screamed from outside.

"JUST USE RUBY'S BATHROOM!" I shouted back. There was a moment of silence.

"Ruby has her own bathroom?" Juli asked loudly. Oh, god help me.

"Yes! Where did you think that pink door lead to? Narnia?!" I shouted. 

"Oh, OK then," she replied. I sighed

I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around myself, and another around my hair.

I walked to my room, and dried myself off. I walked over to where I had left the clothes on my bed.

I decided to ignore the posters, and pulled on my clothes. I then tied my hair into a wet ponytail and put on some mascara and a tiny bit of eyeliner.

I looked in the mirror. How could Niall like me? 

I sighed and headed back down stairs. But that one question kept nagging at me.

He could have any girl he liked. He could have that girl, Zoe. Who is absolutely stunning. But why did he settle for me?

~Niall's POV~

I was sitting in the kitchen, eating some cereal. The boys were still teasing me and Harry about this morning.


But I was mostly thinking about something else. Why was Alex with me?

She was pretty and funny, why the hell did she settle for me?


Hey Guys! Hope you like this chapter!  

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Lots of Love,


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