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Hi! I'm back!!!! Sorry I havn't updated in a while, but I had exams all last week and I was in Donegal for the last few days with NO Internet connection... But anyway. I just found out my mum got tickets for ONE DIRECTIONS DUBLIN CONCERT NEXT YEAR!!!!!! AND I HAVE OVER 350 READS!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy this GIF pretty much explains how i'm feeling!------>

anyhoo here you go! (My Friend Juliette wants me to remind you that she still dosn't like one direction)


~Juli POV~

"Um. I sorta like Harry.." I mumbled, not looking Alex in the eye. I still don't know how this was happening. I mean I hate One Direction!

"What?" Alex asked," I think I misheard you".  

I sighed. Alex wasn't making this easy. "I like Harry," I said, looking down at the bed.

  I looked back up and a smile was slowly making it's way across Alex's face. "Really?" she asked.

"Yup," I replied.

  "OH MY GOD!" she shouted, and lunged at me,"Give me a hug!"  

"No!" I said, and dodged her.  

"Fine," she grumbled, and lifted her hand," High five?".  

I stared at her hand until she lowered it.

"Killjoy,"she mumbled.   

~Alex POV~  

I can't believe it! Juli likes Harry!  

"You like Harry! You like Harry!" I sang, dancing around my room.  

"Shhh.. Alex shut up!" Juli hissed.

  "Ok, Ok," I said eventually,"Lets get this mattress and bring it down stairs".   I walked over to the door and opened it. Louis fell through the door frame. Louis?!  

"Louis," I said as calmly as I could," Were you eavesdropping?"  

"Um....No..," he said, more of a question then a statment.  

"Louis, You. Are. Dead," Juli growled.  

Oooooooh. Shit just got real.   ********************************************************************************************* It's short I know, but I have a horrible disease called WRITERS BLOCK!!!!   anyway I want to know what you guys think of me doing two fanfics at once? Let me know!

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