Chapter 5

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          The next day came around and Niall found himself in the crowded hallways of college again.

Niall did his daily school routine where he walked down the halls, head down, hand gripped to bag, and moving as quickly as he could to avoid an appearance from Louis Tomlinson.

He stopped in front of his English class as his stomach made a painful roaring sound. He stared at the door a moment deciding if he should run to the cafeteria to grab an apple, but if he did so he knew he'd just have to purge it.

"You going inside?" A voice said behind him.

Niall spun around and his heart beat quickened.

Mr. Styles raises an eyebrow as Niall remained silent.

Mr. Styles' eyes were held onto Nialls'. He had a wooden basket of old newspaper and magazines in his arms and Niall instantly felt like he wanted to shrink down to the size of an ant.

"Are you going inside?" Mr. Styles repeated.

Nialls' throat automatically became itchy because the tone in Mr. Styles' voice was annoyance. Pure and utter annoyance, to Niall at least.

"Is everything alright?" Niall had continued to look at Mr. Styles, noticing how long he was silently staring.

Niall bods and turns his back, taking a few steps and opening the classroom door. He went to the back of the classroom where the only seat that was open sat. Luckily everyone was too busy talking to one another to notice Niall entering.

"Seats." Mr. Styles voice called from the front.

The classroom only took a couple of moments before everyone was back seated. Mr. Styles brought the basket one arm, while his other hand began passing them around, placing them on each desk.

Niall opened his notebook randomley landing on a blank page and he began jotting down lyrics. Niall barely noticed a magazine being placed onto his desk, looking up to see Mr. Styles looking at Nialls paper before moving on.

Mr. Styles had gone back to the front of the classroom and started discussing how the class was supposed to find a poem by Shakspere and make their own with inspiration from the magazines or newspaper.

As the class bell was about to ring everyone had began packing and gathering up their things. As Niall was doing so he heard a small clap as a newspaper and a magazine had slapped against his desk.                                                                        

He didn't need to look up to understand that Louis wanted him and Josh's homework to be done for them. They didn't even need to stick around to make sure Niall would, they knew he knew he had three homework's to complete.

They didn't even have to remind Niall that he had to be behind the skate park after school. Niall knew because if he didn't show up the beatings would be reschedueled by Louis and it would only be worse, twice as worse.

The bell had run and Niall sat a moment allowing everyone to leave the classroom before he did like he did after every class. Today for some reason the students had decided to leave exceedingly slow so Niall had to sit extra long but while he sat he couldn't help but keep his gaze held on Mr. Styles.

Niall was somewhat fond of Mr. Styles. He couldn't help but admire the way his eyebrows notted together and his tongue would stick out slightly when he was in deep concentration. He couldn't help but admire Mr. Styles' dimples and how they poked into his cheek when he laughed or even hardly smiled, they were always there unless Mr. Styles face was completely dazed.

Niall wished he was like that. He wished he had a beautiful body, biceps. Niall wished he wasn't short and stubby and had pudge hanging out from everywhere, He wished his cheeks wouldn't jiggle when he walked and his sides wouldn't hang out of his layers of shirts and sweaters. He wished he was Mr. Styles - tall, lean, fit.

But he wasn't he was fat and that's all he was. Fat and depressed. Unlike Mr. Styles who was gorgoues in everyway possible.

Niall just wished he was beautiful but he knew he'd never be and he was reminded that everyday. He knew that the scars, his fat and his personality were hideous.

"Niall, are you leaving?" Niall was instantly snapped out of his thoughts from Mr. Styles' low voice from the front of the room.

Niall blinked a couple of times before shuffling to get up, Mr. Styles' eyes never leaving him as he did so. Frankly it made Niall feel extremely self-concious.

Niall walked to the front, him tripping over his own feet a couple of times. Niall paused at Mr. Styles' desk.

"Ehm," Niall was at lost for words. Mr. Styles was staring up at Niall and Niall once again wanted to shrink down to an ant at Mr. Styles' gaze.

Mr. Styles was probably revolvted by the way Nialls' double chin hung loose and Niall knew he could see every bit of fat hanging from his cheeks. "I need a bit of help."

That was a lie. A giant lie. Niall never needed help in any school subjects, but he knew if he wanted to avoid Louis during free period, this was his best option.

"With?" Mr. Styles asked, his voice soft but Niall knew Mr. Styles was just pretending to not be annoyed.

"I don't really know which poem to choose." Niall says simply, but he knew at least four of them easy on the tip of his head.

"Oh?" Mr. Styles said with a crooked eyebrow. He stood up instantly towering over Nialls' short and flabby body. "Well I've got to go to a meeting right now,"

Niall knew it. Mr. Styles was revolted by Nialls chubby cheeks and loose chin. "but come by on last years free period. I'm free then."

Niall just simply nods. "Thanks," He says but he figures Mr. Styles had to strain his ears to hear. Niall gives Mr. Styles once last look before walking out of the classroom. The only good thing about this is that Niall will have an excuse as to why he got to miss the beating later, the bad thing is he's going to have to make Mr. Styles suffer and pretend to actually like Niall for the time he's in there.

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