Chapter 34

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        Niall still wasn't eating. No matter how hard Harry tried to get him to eat he just wouldn't. Winter had come around so it's much cooler. This means Niall can wear long sleeves and not be questioned about it. Harry notices this all the time and isn't exactly sure what he is to do about it.

The couple is currently sitting in a park. Its cold out and Niall has his hands deep in his jacket pockets, Harry sitting directly across from him.

"We could go get some coffee right down the street, it's a cute little shop." Harry offers. "And we could maybe grab a snack like a bagel while we're there. We didn't eat much of a lunch. All we had was a bag of chips each."

Niall looks up from the bench table he's been staring at for so many minutes. He looks up and notices Harry's hopeful eyes and he smiles. He smiles at how long Harry's hair has gotten in the short time they've been together.

Its quite the winter look, Niall thinks.

"Yeah I guess we can get something." Niall agrees, his mouth is feeling dry and he is very cold, shivering through his clothes, practically.

The two stand up and Harry takes Nialls hand in his and head for the shop. It literally is just around the corner. There's a couple of men dressed in tight pants and band shirts sat outside. When they walk in Niall is presented with a refreshing gust of heat.

The shop is small, but big enough to have a max of twenty customers. He looks around and notices the grungy feel of it.

"I like this place." He whispers up in Harry's ear.

Harry smiles and walks them both in line. The woman in a small, short black dress asks what they want. Once they've paid they're told their drinks will be brought to them. The two have a seat. Harry walks away with four scones and Niall- nothing.

They sit across from each other at a table near a large window.

Harry sets his scones on the table. "Oh- I forgot the strawberry jam." He chuckles to himself and heads back up to the counter returning seconds later with a little container of strawberry jam.

Harry picks up a scone and spoons it with jam with two of his large fingers and takes a bite of it.

Niall watches Harry chew. "How is it?"

"Amazing." Harry says with a mouthful. "Want one? I've got plenty?"

Niall puts his hand up. "No, no."

Harry looks at Niall a little longer before taking a second bite.

"The boys are on their way." Harry states with food in his mouth.

Niall raises an eyebrow. "The boys?"

He nods. "Liam and Zayn."

Niall makes an "o" with his mouth and nods.

Minutes later their coffees are brought to them and they both sip on the hot liquid.

As Niall is drinking he spots a recognizable face.

"Shit." Niall whispers ducking his head.

"What?" Harry's asks with a mouthful. "What is it?" He turns around and follows Nialls movement.

"Shit." They both say.

Standing in the line is Louis Tomlinson. Niall can not be seen with his teacher. Alone. Together. Just the two of them.

"Maybe he won't see us." Niall whispers.

Louis turns around and smiles to Niall followed by a wave.

"Shit." Niall groans.

Louis pats an older mans back and starts toward them. The man must be his father. What an awful man, Niall thinks.

"Ni! Hey!" Louis exclaims.

Niall still to this day is revolted by that nickname.

"and Mr... Styles? Hey?"

"I'm being tutored." Niall says quickly. Eagerly, but quickly.

Louis looks at the table obviously looking for notebooks and pencils but he nods.

"Well I just wanted to pop over and say hey so... hey." He smiles awkwardly. "You two have fun." He winks and walks away.

Niall and Harry don't say anything else until Niall watches Louis order and leave.

"Wow..." Harry finally says for the first time in minutes.

"What?" Niall jumps, scared Harry's seen someone else.

"You just look so... good." Harry smirks that dorky smirk Niall loves.

Niall accidentally snorts and shakes his head. "Shut up." He knows arguing with him about his looks will get him nowhere.

As Niall takes a sip from his plastic cup, he nearly spits it out after Liams hand practically slaps the shit out of him.

"Ello boys!" Liam smiles to the both of him. In his hand is Zayns.

"Could ya have hit me any harder?" Niall asks.

"I could have, yes." Liam says sitting down, Zayn following. "I didn't however, because I would have broken you. We all know how easily you bruise.

"Whatever." Niall mumbles to his cup. "What are you guys doing here anyway?"

"Well we we're in the neighborhood and thought we'd stop b-" Liam starts.

"We we're bored and Liam wanted to hang out with you two so he texted Harry." Zayn says in a monotoned voice.

"Way to ruin the great story I had planned." Liam pouts.

"Oh don't pout." Zayn frowns leaning over the table and kissing the pout right off his face.

"Do you guys want anything?" Harry asks. "Ill buy."

"Nah we just stopped by. Zayn and I are on our way to meet the mum." Liam smiles.

"Hm," Harry hums. "Be right right back." He says getting up and walking to the men's room.

"Are you excited?" Niall asks Zayn.

"Yeah, a little nervous."

Liam reaches over and takes Zayns hand in his.

"It'll be fun."

"I bet." Niall chuckles. "Your mum is very nice." He adds.

Liam nods and looks to Zayn. "See! Nothing to be worried about."

Zayns takes in a breath and nods. "I guess you're right."

Harry walks back over and takes a seat.

"Niall." Harry says.


"You know how you haven't met my mum or sister?"

"Yeah?" Niall draws out.

"And you know how I've been wanting you to meet them?"


"Well after this little session we're going to my mums house and you're going to meet them. I hope that's okay please dont be mad."

"Yes-- what?!"


Okay this chapter was an absolute mess. I've just started writing again and I'm getting used to it so bare with me.

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