Chapter 8

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           Niall walked into the library letting out a sigh as he sat down at an empty table. He ran a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. This was one of those times he felt like yanking his hair out.

He was frustrated but he didn't have a clue as to why. All of his tests were yesterday, he just moved in with his best friend yesterday, his dad's getting help, so why is he so stressed and angry?

"Niall?" A voice rung from above him, it was low and he recognized it immediately.

Niall looked up at his teacher as he put on a small smile. "Sir," Niall replied easily.

Mr. Styles sits down in the empty seat next to his and smiles back. "You finished the poem?" He asks.

Niall simply nods and looks down at his bag for reassurance that he'd brought it then looked back at his teacher still holding the small casual smile that both of them had. "Did you finish Josh and Louis' as well?"

What? Nialls easy smile soon went away and it was confusion that was now replaced. "What?"

"Louis and Josh." Mr. Styles said. "Did you finish their homework as well? He repeated.

Niall just stared at his teacher in slight disbelief. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Niall looks down at his hands avoiding the look Mr. Styles was giving him. He didn't even know what to call the expression.

"Niall," Mr Styles began but cut himself short. He ran a hand through his curls pushing it slightly to the side before sighing. "I'm not stupid."

Niall shook his head. "I never said you were." He mumbled. "But I honestly have no clue as to what you're talking about " Niall gulped deeply as he continued to keep his eye contact away.

"Louis and Josh are making you do their homework."

Niall looked up at teacher with slight confusion. Why on earth is an actual teacher talking to him about personal problems. Either Mr. Styles has nothing better to do or he actually cares. Niall chooses the first choice.

"What would even make you think that?" Niall asks. "It's not true." He mumbled.

Niall continued looking at Mr. Styles face examining everything. His eyes were so much prettier close up and his lips were a whole lot more soft looking then they looked from far away. The descriptions the girls in the hallways gave of his teacher was quite poor. They didn't out his looks in details but man, Mr. Styles was gorgeous. Niall would've known sooner how beautiful his teacher actually was from yesterday during the poem session but he wouldn't look at his teacher for more then five seconds max. But damn, he was stunning.

Niall realized it had to have been a good minute before his teacher started speaking again. "Well I'll see you in class later then." Mr. Styles pushes back his chair to get up but not before laying his hand on Nialls shoulder. "I'll be excited to read your poems later." Mr. Styles said dramatizing the "s" in "poems".

Niall bit his lip and nodded, not moving until he was sure Mr. Styles was clear of eyesight.


The class had all just settled in and Niall had found himself closer to the middle today as some dick head had decided to sit in his seat in the back. Niall was also in front of Louis and Josh so he was pretty positive he was going to get pestered by the two.

Niall had already handed the two their homework with approved grins on their face but Niall knew what was yet to come. He missed his beating for yesterday. That was definitely not going to be ignored today.

"Pass your poems to the front. Please make sure all your names are on the papers." Mr. Styles said from the front of the classroom. "And Jaidyn please use you're own last name this time." He chuckled at the girl in the front row. She made it quite obvious she had a thing for Mr. Styles.

Niall felt his stomach gurgle and somewhat wished he had at least a cup of tea before he'd left today. He hadn't eaten before yesterday but with Liam now with him he knew it was going to be harder. Luckily he had arrived at his new dorm after dinner so he didn't have to eat that night. But he knew it would be a bit more difficult then usual as there wasn't a room he could just go and hide in and say he's eaten.

Liam had left early for football practice before Niall was wake, so Niall was able to avoid any prosecutions as to why he wasn't eating.

Niall handed his paper to Jillian who was sat in front of him and she gave him a light smile before taking it. As the papers continued being passed, Niall had felt a soft, hardly weighted paper ball thrown to the back of his head. He looked down and words made ofpencil hardly visible from the side.

Niall bent down and picked it up, unraveling it. His heart started beating quick and faster as his eyes examined over the sheet.

Hey Ni we waited up for you but you never came. We had everything planned out too and then you just ditched us? Well that's quite rude wasn't it?

Niall squeezed his eyes shut and took a thick gulp before he continued reading.

Well today meet us alright? We know you didn't mean anything by it so we'll just talk after class then. Thanks for the poems by the way but you could've at least wrote a little nicer. The hand writing looks like absolute shit. Meet you after class =)


Niall scrunched the paper back down and laid it on his desk. He didn't even think about turning around to see Louis and Josh's expression because he could already figure what they'd be.

Smirks, evil smirks that the two always had when talking to Niall and Niall didn't want to see that.

"I'll be calling you all to the front to tell you your grades one by one." Mr. Styles said after he collected all the pages. He sat at his computer and began working calling up Nathan's name first.

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