Chapter 37

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The day started with Harry showing Niall around the parks, finding one of his favorite spots and giving Niall a simple kiss underneath a bridge. They were now on their way to a spot Harry hadn't told Niall the location of.

"Please tell me where we're going." Niall mumbles for the fourth time into him and Harry's intertwined hands.

Harry looks away from the road a moment to take Nialls hand. "Its a surprise!"

Niall groans and throws his head back. "Okay then I'll guess." he mumbles. "Are we going to the zoo?"

Harry shakes his head.

"Are we going to a strip club because if you want to-"

"Why the hell would I go to a strip club?" Harry laughs.

Niall shrugs and looks out the window.

Harry looks over and notices Nialls sudden silence as his eyebrows furrow together.

"What?" Harry asks softly, intertwining their fingers. "Did I say something? What happened?"

Niall shakes his head and looks down at his and Harry's hands. "I mean I understand if you want to. It's not like you've been getting anything from me worth being excited over."

Harry looks at Niall a moment before shaking his head quickly. "You're not just an object to me, Niall. You're my boyfriend who I care for deeply."

Harry looks over once more at Niall noticing him looking down, his lips curved upward. Harry smiles and focuses back on the road.

As they pull into the parking lot Niall shakes his head immediately.

"I'm not in the mood." He states.

"Come on, love! It's my favorite ice cream shoppe in Cheshire!"

"Harry, not only is it winter, but it's also not something I'm ready to have."

"Babe, you barely touched your breakfast and you didn't have anything on our stops on the way here yesterday." Harry states. He turns Nialls cheek so he's looking at him. "Look, how about you just get a hot chocolate or something?"

Nialls fave turns blank as he tries to move his fave, but Harry's hand keeps in place. Harry leans over and squeezes Nialls cheeks as he presses his lips to his.

"Please," Harry says breaking away.

Niall looks into Harry's eyes, searching for something but unsure what of.

"Fine." Niall says through squeezed cheeks.

Harry smiles and pecks Niall before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. He rushes over to Nialls side before he gets out and opens the door, taking his hand in the process.

The two walk to the entrance, both their hands held together in Harry's coat pocket.

"There's not even anyone in here." Niall mumbles into Harry's ear.

"Like you said, it's winter." he chuckles and Niall rolls his eyes.

"Hello boys, what can I get'cha?" An old woman at the register greets with a smile.

"Um, we'll have two hot chocolates, large."

Niall looks up at Harry with wide eyes then to the ground.

She walked to the back and soon comes out with two drinks. "Alright babes, 3.33 pounds."

Harry puts in a ten and tells her to keep the change and to have a good holiday.

Harry decides to sit at a table furthest from the restroom, only to hopefully leave that question impulse out of his mind.

He places the drink in front of himself and then Niall, picking it up and holding it u til Niall picks his up and takes a drink, himself following afterwards.

"Im thinking about cutting my hair." Harry says grabbing the ends of his hair last his shoulder.

"I can do it!" Niall chirps.

Harry raises an eyebrow and stays quiet a moment before shaking his head. "No, absolutely not."

"Why, I cut my mums hair once!"

"First of all, your mum has straight hair, mine is ridiculously curly." Harry laughs, taking another drink.

"I shaved Liam's hair bald once."

"Key word, bald."

Niall rests in his chin in his hand and pouts. "Come on." He drags out.

Harry watches as Nialls bottom lip is stuck out and can tell by his boys posture his legs are crossed and can't help but let a smile break through.

"Alright, you can cut my hair, but if it looks bad I'm suing."

Niall gasps, placing a hand over his chest acting offended.

"Come on, drink up." Harry points to Nialls still full drink. "Mum wants to be able for us to have lunch before we leave."

Niall brings the drink to his lips, Harry noticing it sitting there a moment before he takes a pee sized sip.

He's getting there, Harry thinks, My baby's getting there.

He's getting there, Harry thinks, My baby's getting there

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Short chapter but was really feeling fluff today, haha. Please let me know what you guys think in the comments! x

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