Chapter 42 (Last Chapter)

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"Look at us. Double-datin it and shit." Liam smiles as him and Niall walk up to the door.

Niall fidgets his fingers in his pockets as Liam knocks, quickly followed by a beautiful raven haired boy entering the door frame.

"Boys!" Zayn exclaims with an extremely gorgeous smile.

He takes Liam's hand in his, kissing him gently on the lips. Niall looks away feeling a strange awkward gut watching this intimate moment shared between the two.

"Come in! Come in!" Zayn greets Niall, placing a hand on his shoulder and leading him through the door frame.

"Don't be a stranger to the flat, you guys know the way. Harry's in the kitchen finishing up the meal." Zayn smiles as him and Liam plop onto the couch, arms intertwined with each other.

Niall stands awkwardly watching the two as they snuggle up, suddenly feeling uncomfortably, he averts his eyes to the kitchen doorway and leads himself inside. As Zayn promised, there Harry stood over the stove, stirring a pot.

Niall watches as the man in front of him resembled a masculinity type of form, held with a feminine side to him. He couldn't help but smile as Harry's tongue poked out the side of his lip as he concentrated pouring rice into a dish.

Caught of by his own gaze, Harry turned slightly noticing the small boy in the corner admiring his existence.

"Babe!" Harry exclaimed, setting the bowl down and moving toward Niall.

"H-" Before Niall could finish he was interrupted by pepper of kisses all over his face. He broke into a cackle as Harry made his way down his neck, tickling him.

"You look wonderful." Harry announced as he examined Nialls figure.

Niall blushed and looked to the floor. Harry notices the pink rising to his cheeks and lifts Nialls gently, gently kissing him and briefly deepening the kiss with movements from his tongue.

"Want to help me put the food on the table?" Harry asks walking over to the dishes.

Niall nods and helps do what was asked. Once everything has been set out Harry calls for the boys on the couch, midway through their fawning over one another.

Harry smiles to Niall, patting his leg under the table, stealing glances as Niall observes the food.

Niall takes in a swallow as he notices the rice, vegetables, chicken, and beef. Stir-fry.

This had always been one of Nialls favorite foods, and he had recently told Harry that when they had a discussion over the phone about what foods Niall missed.

He couldnt help but feel a pain in his chest. Not a bad pain, but a good one. One filled with love, hope, and admiration for his boyfriend. He couldn't have been this far without Harry. A few months ago he's have been in a separate room, pretending he had already eaten. Hell, he may have not even come here at all.

Niall smiles at his boyfriend, leans over to kiss his cheek and starts filling his plate with a scoop of rice, many vegetables, and a few pieces of chicken.

It was only half a plate full, but Harry couldn't stop smiling as he watched his boy take his first bite.


Dunnnnn.. it's done!:( I've been writing this story since I was 15 and I'm 18 now.. so like, damn. I hope you all enjoyed this little story I've worked on for so long! Please don't forget to like and share with your Narry friends! Thanks guys so much.. it's bittersweet but... byeee <3

 byeee <3

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