Chapter 24

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          Niall figures he was just being a bit over dramatic on how Louis would murder him. He may be a bully but he's not a monster... all the time.

"I'm going to dinner with Tamara." Liam says as he makes his way to the door. "You sure you don't wanna tag along?"

Niall put his hand up and shakes his head ."No, thanks though. I had a massive lunch." He smiles politely.

Liam nods and turns the doorknob. "See you--. Louis!" Liam exclaim giving Louis a "bro hug".

"Ooh, what happened to your face?" Liam asks, making a face of pain.

Louis looks down a minute as if he completely wanted to avoid the question. "Just a bit of rough housing during football practice. It's alright." He says.

"So what are you doing here?" Liam asks. It was terrible Liam had zero idea of what Louis does to him.

Niall sits on the couch in awe of what strange event was taking place in front of him.

"I'm doing a project with Ni." Louis smiles looking over to Niall. 

Ni? Niall thought to himself, What fuckery is this?

"You two know each other pretty well then?" Niall asks as he tried to keep his shaky voice subtle.

Louis nods and put his arm around Liams shoulder. "Yup, been playing football together since primary, you know that." He grins.

Liam nods as well. "I've gotta run. I'm going to a dinner." Liam says and Louis unwraps his arm. "See you later." He smiles once more before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

Niall sits awkwardly looking everywhere but at Louis. Louis walks further in and drops his bag.

"Uh, hey." He mumbles as he takes a seat. He sat where he wasn't interfering in Nialls personal bubble, but still close enough for Niall to take.

"Hey." Niall mumbles back.

Louis pulls out his notebook and pen and lays it on the table. "I didn't know you and Liam were close... like roomie close."

"Em, yeah he-- we've just been friends for a long time. Our parents used to work together." Niall says.

He figures that after he'd said that, Louis would shoot back with some sort of remark about his "crazy dad" or maybe something about the reason why his dad is so rude to his mum is because he's bent. The thing was, Louis didn't do any of that. He only sat there and nodded.

"How's your dad doing?" Louis asks looking at Niall.

Niall continues his gaze on the floor, avoiding eye contact. "He's fine." Niall mumbles unsure where this was going.

"I'd die to have a dad like yours." Louis says. Niall looks up expecting to see a smirk on Louis' face, or maybe even a remark about how Niall deserves worse than the dad he's got, but Louis had tears in his eyes.

"You don't." Niall says as he shakes his head, now looking into Louis' eyes.

Louis takes a breath in and allows the tears to fall. "Wanna know what actually happened to my face and why it's so fucked up?"

Niall was hesitant, but nodded.

Louis takes another breath in and shuts his eyes as he speaks. "My dad is crazy, like absolutely mental." Louis starts. "He thinks he can fucking run over me like I'm shit. He's just an alcoholic who lives at home on a computer watching fucking porn." Louis said, his eyes now open. "I guess the reason I do this to you," Louis pointed to Nialls lip. "Is because if I even think about taking my anger out on my dad, he'd probably murder me in a matter of seconds."

"I'm not gay," Louis says quickly. "But when my mum left he thought it'd be okay to think I was gay, I guess."

"He thought my mum had left us because I was gay over a silly joke I said when I was nine, but it was actually because she left with some drug addict who she had an affair with when she visited the states." Louis chuckles sadly.

He wipes his eyes and sits up straight, opening his notebook with shaky hands. "So let's start then, yeah?" He says with a sniffle.

Niall opens his notebook as well and began writing. "I forgive you." He says. There was no more discussion of anything, besides the topic of the project.

Nialls mind floods with complete confusion as to why Louis just told him his life story. It was a bit surprising to Niall himself that he wasn't happy his dad did that to him. Niall assumed that he should've been happy that someone else was giving pain in return to Niall. He felt the exact opposite and he felt like he wouldn't even mind being his friend.

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