Chapter 38

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           Niall holds his breath as he looks to the meal he has prepared. Him and Harry's weekend was amazing, perfect even, and now that they're back in town, their regular lives must continue.

Niall straightens the tea cups and adjusts the fruit in the middle of the set up.

"Smells good!" Liam hums, pulling his shirt over his head. "What's the occasion?"

Niall shrugs and takes a seat.

"Isn't one. Just thought I'd cook this morning before tests."

Liam rubs his stomach as he sits across from Niall, immediately filling his plate with three pancakes, some sausage, eggs, and fruit salad.

Niall watches hesitantly. He clears his throat and lifts his plate toward the food.

He remembers what Harry had told them on their last meal with Anne.

"You are, without a doubt the number person I care for, and if you don't eat, who will have to think that way of then?"

Niall only fills his plate up halfway, mainly with fruit and a bit of eggs and only eat three-fourths of it, but it's better than he's attempted in the past.

Liam doesn't question or even seem to notice Nialls lack of tastes as he devours two servings.

Once Liam is finished with his second serving, Niall attempts to clean up the dishes but is interrupted by Liam's plead to allow him to do it since he cooked.

Niall finally obliges, grabs his coat and bag and heads out the door.

He makes his way down the campus, stomach full and the presence of a racing mind. He knows he shouldn't be too upset over the slightly large meal he had, but he can't control it as the tears begin to pour.

He has to find Harry.

Speed walking through the crowds of students, he finally reaches the classroom. Opening it Harry is sitting at his desk sorting through a monumental size of papers. His lips are furrowed as he reads over something, not noticing Nialls presence.

"H-Harry" Niall sniffles through a cracked voice.

Harry looks up, his eyes wide when he notices Nialls tearful state. Standing up, he rushes over to his boy and takes his hand, shutting the door behind him.

"Babe?" Harry whispers worriedly, attempting to wipe tears from Nialls eyes before new ones become present. "What? What is it?"

"I-" Niall bites his lip and looks down, angry he came to him for help when there's nothing he can even do. All Niall is aware of is that as he stands here, the food is going through his body and adding on weight.

"Niall, talk to me." Harry says, bringing both hands to Nialls face to make him look at him, himself slightly leaning down in attempt to reach the same height.

"I- I ate! A lot! T-Too much! Way to much and now-now its going through me I can feel it." He stumbles with his words, grabbing onto his body and pinching through his coat. "I can feel it on me! Going through me and- and it's catching up!" Niall cries.

Harry looks over Niall and shakes his head. "No, that's your mind, love. It's tricking you. You're not fat or whatever those shitty little monsters inside your head are telling you. You're none of that."

Niall abruptly shakes his head motioning to his stomach. "I can feel it." He whispers.

"You're perfect Niall, absolutely perfect. I love you just the way you are alright?"

Niall chokes on his cry and looks up at Harry. "Yo-You what?"

Harry smiles and places his hand on Nialls lower back, bringing him into him. "I love you,"

He leans down and presses his lips on Nialls. Niall stays a bit frozen besides his lips, so Harry takes each of Nialls arms and wraps them around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Carried away by their own interaction, they're unaware by the opening of the door.

"Oh, fuck, um.."

They break away and both shoot their eyes over to a wide eyed Louis. Niall shoves Harry back.

"I was just... um, coming by to drop of my essay... I'll just.."

Louis exits the room.

Niall looks at Harry with big eyes, picks up his bag and heads after Louis.

"I'll come to your flat later! I love you!" Niall calls behind him before leaving the room.

Niall catches up to Louis and grabs him by the shoulder.

"Louis, yo-you cannot tell anyone, please. It's- you can't-"

Louis laughs and pats Nialls back. "Relax mate, no harm foul. He's pretty good looking if you're into that. Besides, I figured he had a thing for you."

Nialls mouth is agape as he stands still, breathing hard.

"I'm not gonna tell, Ni. Your secrets safe with me." Louis winks and walks off down the hall.

Niall takes in a deep breath. He can trust Louis... right?

**********HAHAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! Probably one of my favorites i've written

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HAHAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! Probably one of my favorites i've written.
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