Chapter 40

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           After last night Harry's mind remains clouded with the lustful times brought along with the terrifying occasional views the moonlight brought onto Niall

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     After last night Harry's mind remains clouded with the lustful times brought along with the terrifying occasional views the moonlight brought onto Niall.

"Zayn," Harry whines against the sofa.

"Zaaaayn!" He draws out, lifting his slightly before flopping it back down.

"What, mate? I'm right here." Zayn laughs walking over with two bowls of oats.

He sets one of the bowls in front of Harry and nudges his head with his knee. Harry groans, but lifts his head up and retrieved the bowl.

"I'm extremely... like, worried." Harry sighs.

"About?" Zayn asks with a raised eyebrow.

Harry knows he can't explain to his best mate the exact problem going on with Niall. It's not his place to allow Zayn to know one of Nialls deepest, most personal secrets.

"What if... What would you do if you knew someone who was sick but they didn't want help?"

"Is Anne sick!?" Zayn exclaims, dropping his spoon in his bowl. "Oh god! What the fuck are you doing here!?"

"No, no. My mum isn't sick. I'm talking about one of... one of my students."

"Oh I see. Someone like came to you or something about a problem they're having?"

"Yeah," Harry nods. "Something like that."

Zayn hums and brings a spoonful of oats to his mouth, Harry following.

"Well what kind of sick? Mental sick or physically?"

"Both?" Harry says unsurely.

Zayn furrows his brows and looks down at his food, taking his bottom lip between his teeth.

"I don't know, if it's your student Id say to contact their parents," he says with a pause "But if we're talking about someone you care about and know quite well, I'd be there for them in every way possible. Love him- them, protect them. Let them know they're okay and you'll be there for them as long as they'll have you."

Harry doesn't say anything, just spoons his oats around the bowl. The fact that Zayn knew- or at least had a clue about Niall, makes Harry wonder how he didn't catch on quicker.

Perhaps it was the way Harry has never been able to find a flaw in Niall. Or maybe it was just the fact that Harry was too oblivious by his love to the boy he wasn't even able to realize the malnourished boy in front of him.

Either way, Harry knew he had to do whatever he could to help his boyfriend, his Niall. He had to do whatever he could.


Nialls awaken by Liam bouncing on his bed, obviously excited for details.

"I'm not telling you anything, Liam." Niall mumbles into his bed, his face in his bed attempting to block out Liam's plead, to no success.

"Come ooon." Liam says, pulling the pillow off Nialls head.

"Prick!" Niall laughs.

He sits up and reaches for the pillow on the ground, repeatedly hitting Liam in the face and stomach.

"Alright! Alright!" Liam surrenders, putting both his hands up. "I'll leave you alone if you give me like, a one worded answer."

Niall sighs and flops his head back down on the bed. "Big."

Liam throws back as he roars with laughter. "You dirty fucking bastard!" He shouts.

The two laugh together for a few minutes before getting up and heading off to class together. Since the cooler season has hit, Liam no longer has practice, at least for the time being.

Niall bids Liam goodbye and good luck on his tests and makes his way to Harry's classroom.

He doesn't want to seem needy or clingy the day after they did what they did, but he misses Harry. Not just a little bit, but a fucking lot.

Before entering, he looks both ways making sure no one is off standing watching Niall enter.

He opens the door and is sure to lock it behind while walking over to a working Harry.

"Hey babe," Harry greets, also looking behind Niall to verify it's locked.

Once he's sure, he stands from his desk and makes his way over to Niall taking him in his arm and proving a kiss on his lips.

"You look fantastic today, by the way." Harry smiles, knowing not to try too hard with his words.

Niall snorts and shakes his head. "You look fantastic everyday."

"Not as beautiful as you." He leans down and kisses Nialls' forehead, making his way back over to his desk.

Niall follows and sits atop the desk.

"Do you have testing today?"

Niall rolls his eyes and sighs. "Yeah, physics. What the hell do I even need to about that shit?" 

Harry chuckles and reaches down into his desk. "You need to know about it so you can graduate on time."

He pulls out two cereal bars and holds one out to Niall. "Have you eaten?"


Harry raises an eyebrow. "Have you?"

Niall sighs and looks down at his finger, shaking his head.

"Just have half, love. It's only 100 calories for the whole thing."

Niall sighs again and takes the cereal bar in his hands, rolling it around, observing it, reading the nutrition facts, and finally opening the bar.

He takes small bites, but by the bell rings, sure enough he's eaten half the bar.

"Please keep it in." Harry says as Niall reaches the door handle.


"The food, please don't.. just please keep it in." Harry says softly.

Niall faintly smiles and grabs the handle. "I love you, Harry."

"I love you,"

Niall heads down the hallways until he finds his testing room, quickly going inside and setting up his station.

He reasons quickly with himself. If he's able to stay during the entire testing he'll be fine, no bathroom breaks. Nothing.

He's not so sure why Harry is so worried anyways, he's fine really.

He's not so sure why Harry is so worried anyways, he's fine really

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the story is coming to a close.
So there are quite a bit of chapters on here and I feel like I should start wrapping it up.. big plans for that though. Biiiiig plans!

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