Chapter 6

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          Niall glares down at his food as if it had betrayed him or told a secret no one should know. The loud voices and laughter of his peers totally drowned out as he continued to despise the food sat in front of him.

"You alright?" a soft voice calls from above him. Niall looks up and was met with Tamara's hazel eyes. She smiles at him and plopped her tray down, sitting in the seat aside of him. "Why haven't you eatin'?"

Niall looks down at his plate and then back to his friend. "This random ass decided to sneeze onto my food." Niall says.

He spoke as the lies slipped off his tongue so easily, there was no hesitance.

He had to keep his diet a secret. If people found out about it they wouldn't understand as to why Niall was doing it in the first place. They'd just call him crazy.

So like every other day, Tamara just nodded and went on with eating her own lunch. Niall liked her for that. She wouldn't ask to many questions and it would just be simple conversations between the two.


After lunch, the day had got by much too quickly and Niall, once again found himself outside of Mr. Styles' door. He knew during his free period it was either run in Louis and his gang, or hide in a teachers classroom asking for help he really didn't need.

He sighed a shaky breath and reached for the door handle and opening it.

Stepping in, Mr. Styles' back was turned to him. Niall could however see the side of Mr. Styles' face holding a slight frown, his lips pressed to a thin line and his eyebrows knitted together as he focused on paperwork.

"Mr. Styles?" Niall spoke, his voice quite but it still spooked Mr. Styles.

Mr. Styles turns around and stands up, a surprised look on his face before a smile of relief formed.

"Niall,"  Mr. Styles said, "What can I do for you?"

"Ehm, about the assignment, I understand the basic quota for it, I was just wondering if there was a certain theme of poems you'd like?"

Mr. Styles bit his cheek. "Ehm," He furrowed his eyebrows and Niall immediately knew he was thinking. "Well I'd like to be one that you could possibly relate to but he doesn't have to be. Just whatever kind of speaks to you basically."

Mr. Styles opens his notebook. It had many poems on it and from how old and bent out of shape the notebook had looked.

"Is it alright if I read one of my favorites?"

Niall simply nods, following by Mr. Styles nodding as well.

He clears his throat and began, " Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

"And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this and this gives life to thee."

Niall felt like dying. He felt like setting himself on fire because all he could think about was the way his teachers lips moved when he spoke each word. No matter how much a teenage girl Niall had sounded right now, he found his teacher ridiculously sexy and it made him want to jump off a cliff.

Not only that but Mr. Styles had literally no chin flab at all and all Niall wanted to do was throw up everything and nothing in his stomach. He hates himself for eating those couple of fries that were on Tamara's plate earlier. He knew it wasn't a good idea at the time but now he was for sure and he felt absolutely bloated.

"I don't know I just think that ones beautiful." Mr. Styles interrupts Nialls self hatred and held a small smile on his face as he tucks his notebook closed.

He looks up at Niall and it wasn't until now that Niall had realized his jaw was hung loose.

Niall quickly shut his mouth and looked away from his teacher. "Sonnet?" Niall questioned.

Mr. Styles laid his book down and looked up at Niall, a slight, what Niall would call interested expression on his face.


"That's Sonnet 18." Niall repeats, but his eyes dart to Mr. Styles.

Good going. You're here because you don't know Shakespeare, Niall. Not because you know a verse of a poem and it's title by heart. "At least that's what I'm guessing." Niall mumbled. Yeah, real nice save, Niall thought.

"Well that's an extremely accurate guess." Mr. Styles chuckles and Niall did nothing but shrug.

The rest of the suggestions were all good and in the end Niall chose to do Sonnet 29 for himself and Sonnet 26 and Sonnet 43 for Louis and Josh. He knew that he needed to pick not so complicated choices for the two boys because it would've been completely unbelievable for Mr. Styles to believe that Josh and Louis were to write one like he had spoke a while ago.

Niall learned his lesson the hard way after Louis and Josh had gotten in trouble because their teacher thought they'd cheated after the two of them got A's from Nialls work.

"So I'll see you tomorrow in class then?" Mr. Styles asks as Niall heads to the door, the class bell ringing any minute.

"Yeah," Niall simply says as opens the door.

"Oh and Niall," Niall turns to face Mr. Styles again.  "If you need anymore help I'll be there." Niall once again nodds repeating the action he's done far too many times today.

Niall gave his teacher one last smile before exiting the room and walking down the hallway. In that matter if seconds between the door and to the exit he wanted to yank his hair out, even if he had absolutely no idea why.

 In that matter if seconds between the door and to the exit he wanted to yank his hair out, even if he had absolutely no idea why

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