Chapter 18

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          "What?" Niall says in a low whisper.

Whatever joke Mr. Styles was trying to pull on Niall, it was not funny, not even almost.

"I don't label myself. But none of the teachers know that. I've only told a certain amount of people in my life actually." Mr. Styles says proudly. "I don't feel the need to explain myself to others in that sense."

Niall stares at Mr. Styles a moment before glaring at him, with his eyes though as his lips could hardly move from even talking.

"Why are you making fun of me?" Niall asks.

Mr. Styles looks surprised. "Niall, I'm not making fun of you. I'm being honest."

"Bullshit. Absolute bullshit!" Niall says standing up, even though his back was still hurting from being shoved against the lockers.

"You-- Wh-- You're making fun of me!" Niall exclaims once again.

"Niall, don't be so loud, there are still other classes going on." Mr. Styles says in a soothing voice.

Niall continues his glare on Mr. Styles. Mr. Styles' expression was unreadable to Niall at this moment, he didn't know what to think.

Mr. Styles stands up and walks over to Niall making Niall feel ridiculously small. Niall pulls on his sweater as tears began to pour out of his eyes.

Mr. Styles wraps his arms around Niall and holds him to his chest as softly as possible but even when Niall tries to move, he couldn't.

Nialls arms were squished between his own chest and Mr. Styles' stomach. It wasnt fair how Mr. Styles had a beautiful six pack that Niall could feel and all Niall had was fat, fat, fat.

It wasnt fair that Mr. Styles was always happy and Niall was always depressed!

And it wasnt fair that Mr. Styles was beautiful and Niall was the complete opposite of it.

"Lets clean your lip up, okay?" Mr. Styles asks as he pulls away from him just enough to see his face.

Niall loved his green eyes and for a moment during the time Mr. Styles was holding him, he had totally forgotten he couldn't feel his lip.

Niall nods and walks behind Mr. Styles over to the sink.

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