Chapter 35

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          They both get their tickets for the plane which Harry's mother said she would pay for. Even though Harry insisted she didn't because it was a "quick decision".

Niall, however, didn't object because he doesn't have that kind of money anyway. Niall had said this many times while they were packing at Harry's.


  "How many times do I have tell you," Harry starts, pulling into the driveway. "She's going to like you."

"Oh God if she doesn't this could mean the end of us. We could be over. Oh God." Niall panics.

Harry put's his hand on Niall's bony thigh. "That won't happen."

Niall looks to Harry, worry in his eyes. "Promise?"

Harry nods and slightly smiles. "Let's go inside then."

Niall takes a deep breath in and opens the car door. He's immediately cold and is already shivering.

Harry pays the taxi driver and walks around and takes Nialls' hand in his, intertwining their fingers.

"Look at me." Harry says stopping at the front door.

Niall does and allows Harry to make minor adjustments to his hair.

"Alright." Harry says under his breath before turning the door knob and stepping in.

"Mum!" Harry calls. He walks in further to find his mum sat doing a puzzle at the kitchen table.

She looks up. "Harry!" She jumps up and nearly runs over to take her son beneath her arms. "Oh, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" She says into his chest.

"Its good to see you." Harry says into her neck.

"And you must be Niall." She says pulling away from Harry.

He nods and shyly smiles.

"Well come on in, I won't hurt ya." She jokes holding out her arms and pulling him into a hug.

"I'm sure the both of you are tired so why don't you go put your bags in Harry's room and lay down. Its pretty late as it is." She says looking at the clock on her phone. "We can talk all tomorrow- well until you have to leave. I know Harry's has school Monday to teach. Speaking of which," she continues. "Where do you go to school Niall, I'd love to know what you're studying!"

"I, um." Niall looks up to Harry and sees the same panicked expression held on his face.

"Oh you know what," Anne laughs. "We'll just discuss all of this good stuff tomorrow. Good night boys." She smiles giving Harry a kiss on the cheek and heading for her room.

"Oh my God." Niall whispers.

"Sh." Harry says, picking up both their bags and taking them into his room.

Niall looks around at it. It was small and it held a bunk bed.

"Who's the other bed for?" Niall asks, curious.

"Ah my sister. Not sure where she is. I thought she'd have been here." Harry replies placing the bags onto the floor by a bin.

They both look at each other a moment before Niall finally spoke.

"Your mum wants to know where I go to school Harry." Niall whisper shouts. "I'm in bloody college!"

"I know. I know... just... just tell her. Be honest."

"Honest?! Being honest will get you sent to jail and me with a reputation!"

"Its O.k." Harry says calmly as if this wasn't a massive deal.

"She'll understand."

"Right she will." Niall scoffs.

"Lets just go to bed, she may not even mention it."

Niall shakes his head. "Pass my bag."

Harry did and went to his, taking off his shirt and pants.

"Dont look." Niall says quietly. "Please..."

So Harry didnt.

Once Niall was dressed he was in a white shirt and boxers, a thigh gap visible.

Harry goes over to Niall and put his arms around his waist.

"I love you." He says in a low voice.

Niall only smiles and the two kiss for a couple minutes before going off into their seperate beds.


I know this is short but i felt like updating. Hope you like it.

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