Chapter 27

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They had stayed in a hotel for the night and didn't leave until eleven the next morning. They had already driven six hours the previous night so it would only take the three eight more hours until they were at the arena that Niall still didn't know the name of.

Surprisingly the time had flown by extremely fast, and before Niall knew it they were at the arena.

"No... way." Niall manages to choke out as his eyes met contact with one his favorite arena's of all time. There, stood in all it's 60,300 of it's glory was Emirates Stadium.

The car parked close to the building beside other cars. Niall was a bit confused due to the large number of cars that were around for there to be just a "couple" of players to be there.

Niall just shakes it off and simply assumed it was the workers and what not.

Niall opens the car door and stares in absolute awe at Emirates Stadium. He breathes in the smell of freshly cut grass. Although it was starting to get dark out, the lights from the stadium were making it rather light outside.

"Keep your mouth shut, you'll catch flies mate." Liam jokes towards Niall.

Niall hadn't even realized his mouth was open and closed it.

"Help us with the ball bags?" Liam asks.

Niall walks to the back of the trunk and takes the bag of footballs that Zayn hands him.

The two other lads grab bags for themselves and began for the entrance of the gate. Walking through it had reminded Niall of the many times he had walked back here with his brother and dad when he was younger.

As he steps onto the field he looks down at the end noticing there were at least thirty boys running around.

Niall feels a lump in his throat and walks over to Liam shrugging on his shoulder.

Liam turns around and looks down at Niall. Niall hated when Liam looked at Niall like that. As if he were some baby that needs a proper taking care of or something.

"Why are there so many people here? I thought there were only going to be a couple-"

Liam shrugs. "I did too, but I guess you'd need a good mount of people to play a proper game, wouldn't you?"

"Right." Nial agrees with a breath in.

Niall looks around and zones everything out as he was brought back to memories.

The crowd was roaring and Niall was surrounded by his team mates. The whistle was blown and the ball was passed straight to Niall. Niall flipped the ball from one foot to another as he made his way down the field.

He was stood in the foward spot and lined the ball up exactly where he'd needed. He began running towards the ball before stopping just as the ball made contact with the side of his foot. He sees Louis on the side of him blocking people from gathering around—

Niall snaps out of it and can't help but feel a bit shaky as he sees Louis down near the goal. It's not that he was scared, it was just the fact that Niall also saw Harry there. The good news is that Louis is the only school mate of Niall's that is here.

As Niall grows closer to the lads, people had began running over to Zayn and Liam greeting them. A boy who was about as tall as Liam ran up to Niall. As the boy came closer, Niall had recognized him and notices the boy had a carmel color hair along with blue eyes.

"Hi," The boy greets. "You go to Bodwell right?"

Niall slowly nods.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm Adam." Adam hols out his hand and Niall looks at it a moment before taking it. "I was the captain of the football team."

"Oh right!" Niall exclaims, realizing how he'd recognized him.

"Niall, right?" Adam asks.

Niall was puzzled on how someone who was as popular as Adam had remembered someone who hardly spoke as himself.


"You were probably the best out of all the year nine and tenths combined, Niall." Adam says, wiping sweat from his lip.

Niall feels himself blush and looks to the ground. "That's probably not true, but thanks." He says, his voice coming out smaller than he'd intended.

"No, you defiantly were, mate." Adam says as he continues to try and catch breaths. "Well I'm going to go warm up. See you on the field then?"

Niall smiles slighty and nods and watches as Adam rums back over to where the others were.

Right as Adam left, Harry came.

"Hi." Harry greets, panting.

Niall responds with a smile on his lips.

There was a silene before Harry speaks again. "I would kiss you... if I wasn't your teacher and we weren't in public." Harry chuckles.

"Yeah," Niall chuckles as well. "Maybe later then." He says with half a smile.

"I'm gonna go warm up, but we'll talk later, yeah?"

"M'kay." Niall says running his fingers through his own hair.

Niall watches as Harry runs down the field, but stops when he feels himself biting his bottom lip. He looks around to check to see if anyone had paid any attention, but everyone around was busy warming and setting up.

"Come around, come around!" A balding man with a rather strong Glasgow accent instructs.

Once all the boys had gathered, Niall realizes that there was probably not one bloke there who was older then twenty-four.

"Alright lads, I'm leaving shortly, and when I do someone needs to make sure all the gates are locked, the benches are clear and the lights are off, got it? Also no..."

Niall began to zone out as thoughts of Harry entered into his mind. It's not intentional sometimes, he just can't believe that he's gotten an item like Harry in the first place.

It was probably about five minutes of the man talking before he'd finsihed and left.

Zayn instructs everyone to get in a line as him and Adam had stood in front of everyone. They tossed a coin and Zayn had won so he got to choose first.


Adam was next. "Max."


It continued on like that, and Niall was put on Adam's team and Harry was put on Zayn's.

Adam instructs his team over to the downward goal to practice while Zayn's team went to the upward side.

"Niall, what would you like to play?" Adam asks.

"Uhm, is defender good?"

"Course!" Adam agrees. "Pick a partner, grab a ball, and pass it" Adam orders to the group. "Be my partner?" Adam asks to Niall.

Niall smiles and nods as he follows Adam out to an empty part of the field.


Bad ending... not proof read... sorry.

I wrote this in class like three months ago and then I lost the paper so I wrote it by memory yesterday, then all of it erased, so this one is a mixture of both of those!

I hope you like it.

What do you think about this Adam guy... hmm.

Comment and Vote PLEASE . It would really help!

Thanks! xxxx

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