Chapter 17

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          Niall sat, his lip numb without feeling. Although Niall had gotten hit in the lip multiple times he could swear this is the hardest slap he's gotten in a long time.

The bell had rung for class to start but honestly Niall couldn't care less. He just couldn't think. He couldn't do anything nor did he want to do anything for all the matter.

He just wanted to die. Why did the world hate him so god damn much?

"Niall?" A voice says.

Niall keeps his eyes trained on a crumbled sheet of paper in front of him. He didn't even try to guess who it was, he was to broken right now. All Niall wanted to do was hurt himself, bad.

"Niall?" The voice was closer now and softer than the first time.

He felt his shoulder be touched as he was softly shaken. "Niall, look at me." The person says.

Niall lazily moved his eyes and head to the person. It was Mr. Styles.

No. Out of all people why did it have to be him! Out of all the people why did he have to see me like this? Broken down and uglier than ever. Niall thought, rolling his eyes and bringing his knees into his chest.

"Niall, come on." Mr. Styles says.

"Get up." Harry says, his voice commanding yet, once again, soft,

Niall slowly stands up with the help of Mr. Styles. Niall stares at Mr. Styles face.

He was so... pretty, and then there was himself.

Niall watches as Mr. Styles thought a moment.

"The nurse isn't here today." Mr. Styles said again. "We'll go to my classroom, yeah?" He asks slowly.

Niall didn't respond as his jaw was throbbing far to much to speak as he kept his eyes trained on the ground.

"Yeah." Mr. Styles nods to himself as if he was trying to find reassurance in himself.

Niall pulls his sweater down a bit and pulled the sleeves down too just to make sure none of his fat was exposed.

Mr. Styles took Niall down the hall, his hand on him the entire time.

"In here." Mr. Styles said pushing Niall softly into the classroom. "Stay right here."

Niall once again stayed silent. He watches as Mr. Styles gets a couple of desks lined up into three by three.

"Right." Mr. Styles nods to himself as he reviews at his work.

He walks back to Niall and helps him over to the desks and into them.

Mr. Styles sits on one of the desk in front of Niall. "So," He began. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

Niall looks at Mr. Styles a moment, his mouth once again shut.

"Niall, you can tell me."

Niall thought a moment. "You have to promise something first." He says. It hurt,  but he managed to slowly let the small sentence come out.

"Okay." Mr. Styles whispers.

"No one can find out about this, okay?"

Mr. Styles looks at Niall a moment, clearly seeing the pain before eagerly nodding. "Y- yeah, Yeah. It'll be our little secret."

Niall didn't even for a second think it before the words fell out of his mouth. "I'm gay."

He now felt weird, being around his male crush. What if Mr. Styles kicks him out now? What if he doesn't want to listen to him anymore? Just like everyone else.

But he didn't. He just half smiled and nodded.

Why wasnt Mr. Styles beating him up right now? Why weren't lunges being thrown at every direction possible to Niall? Why wasnt Niall being beaten up?

"Why aren't you beating me up?" Niall asks.

Mr. Styles holds a shocked impression on his face. "Why should I be?" He asks.

"B-because I'm gay..." Niall says, his voice higher than expected.

Harry looks around pretending as if people were around. "Will you keep a secret for me?" He asks."

Niall nods.

"Well I think it would be pretty stupid to beat up someone who is in similarity with me, don't you?" Harry chuckles.

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