Chapter 36

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Niall wakes up groaning as he's prodded with kisses all over his neck.

"Come on, baby. Mum made us breakfast." Harry whispers into the younger boys' ear, taking his ear between his teeth.

Niall moans and pushes Harry away. "Go shave. You're all scraggly." Niall mumbles into the pillow.

Harry continues to pepper kisses and starts sucking on the side of Nialls neck.

"What are you doing?!" Niall exclaims, flipping over and looking up at Harry's innocent, smug look. "We're at your mums home in your childhood bedroom and you're trying to give me a love bite!"

Harry chuckles and leans back down to give Niall a hard kiss.

"Come on, we've got to get dressed!"

Nialls groans, yet again and sits up. He takes his head in his hand as he feels extremely dizzy.

"You alright?" Harry asks.

Niall looks up at Harry's worried expression and nods. "Just got up too fast."

Harry squints his eyes and goes over to his bag. Niall watches as he bends down, his black briefs clinging to his skin.

Harry and Niall have been dating for over a couple of months now and believe it or not, they still haven't had sex. Not because Niall doesn't want to, because damn, does he want to, but because Nialls afraid to let Harry see- like, actually see what holds underneath his clothes.

Harry turns his head and smirks. "Like what you see?"

Niall rolls his eyes and stands up, walking to his bag next to Harry.

As he begins to reach down, Harry softly grabs his arm and presses Niall against the wall, lifting both arms above his head. Harry leans his head down a bit and presses his lips to Nialls. He inserts his tongue at Nialls moan and leans his hips in so they're both touching.

"Harry... we're... at... you're mums!" Niall says between kisses, but Harry doesn't give up.

Niall gives in and lets himself fully melt into the kiss, moving his hips upward to Harry's, a moan coming from his lips when he feels his hard on.

Harry pulls back and looks down at his own crotch, an awkward smile spreading onto his lips.

Niall bites his lip and looks up at Harry. "Need some help?" Niall asks innocently.

Harry's eyes widen as his eyes meet back with Niall.

"W- Are you sure?" Harry stutters.

Niall traces his fingers down Harry's body, stopping right before his V-line. "Mhm."

Niall brings his hand to Harry's shaft and leans into Harry's ear. "Maybe later!" Niall calls, pecking Harry's lips and quickly moving past him, grabbing a pair of pants and moving to the other side of the room.

Harry stands in complete shock. "You can't do that!" He whisper yells. "Niall!"

Niall continues to ignore him, humming softly to himself as he puts on his pants.

"Harry, Niall! You're good is getting cold!" Anne yells from the kitchen.

Harry groans and pulls on his pants and shirt, opening the door and letting Niall through first.

Niall smiles, eyeing down at Harry's bulge as he walks past him.

Harry pulls his shirt down and follows behind the smaller boy.

"Goodmorning my beauties!" Anne sings as she makes her way over to the boys, hugging Niall first.

She looks down at Niall, her arms still held onto his arms as she rubs them up and down. "Well you're a little one, aren't you?"

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