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      Harry paces the driveway of his flat, biting his finger nails in the process

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      Harry paces the driveway of his flat, biting his finger nails in the process.

"Mate, chill." Zayn mumbles under his breath. He's sat against the door, his eyes closed as the sun pushes against him.

"I am chill!"

Zayn raises an eyebrow and Harry instantly takes a step back.

"Look," Harry sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I haven't seen Niall like, all summer. I'm just... anxious."

After Niall graduated college, him and Liam had taken a trip to America mid-summer to help Liam look for University's for his music career.

"If anyone should be anxious it's me." Zayn started, setting his head back against the door. "My boyfriend is probably going of to a Uni far off ways from me."

Harry looked at him as he places a hand on hip. "You and I know damn well that you're moving with Liam.. you know why I'm nervous about seeing him..." Harry trailed off.

And Zayn did know why. If Niall has gotten any smaller— any sicker than the last time Harry had seen him, it would crush him to pieces.

"Look!" Zayn exclaims, his voice a bit more high pitched than usual, as Liam's rental car pulls around the corner.

Harry gasps and run out to the edge of the road, bouncing on his tip toes as the car pulls up. He can see Niall faintly through the tinted windows, his hair now completely brown and swept across his forehead.

Niall steps out of he car and Harry's heart nearly drops to the ground.

Niall, full of color and filled with a nice amount of meat steps out of the car, immediately allowing Harry to pick him up and ingulf him in what Harry could only imagine as the best hug in his entire lifetime.

Niall laughs loudly as Harry squeezes him harder, obviously not afraid to break him anymore.

Harry finally let go after minutes, not keeping his eyes off of Niall as he examines him head-to-toe.

"Baby, look at you!" Harry exclaims.

Niall blushes and looks to the ground, only this time Nialls blush holds something more prominent to it, like color instead of just being flushed.

"You're beautiful." Harry says in barely a whisper that causes Niall to graciously smile.

He wraps his arms around Harry's neck and leans up to give him the most meaningful and eager kiss he's ever given.

Niall tears away as he hears Zayn squeal.

Both him and Harry glance over as Zayn and Liam are mustered in each other's arms.

"Guess who's going to Chicagooo!" Zayn sings as he hugs his now taller boyfriend.

Harry suddenly began to wonder what he would do without Zayn as his flat mate. He could move into a smaller flat, or find a roommate on Craigslist or something. Unless..

"Niall?" Harry asks shyly.

Niall hums and Harry takes his hand walking them further away from the dancing duo.

"Would you.. Would you maybe like to move in with me?"

Harry catches Nialls eyes as they nearly fall out of his head.

"Harry.. I..." Nialls smile suddenly lifts from his fave as he looks to the ground.

"What? What is it?" Harry asks, suddenly feeling scared he'd made the wrong move. "You don't have to. It was just an offer considering we're both going to be living alone and I know you can't really be alone and—"

"Harry it's not that. I'd love to move in with you. Trust me, I would."

"Then what is it?"

"It's just— it's just that I went to see my dad in the hospital before I left and he... he's not doing good." Niall sighs and swallows. "I decided to get an assessment by a professional about my... mental health." Niall quickly looks up at Harry's eyes then back to the ground. "Basically I've been diagnosed with an Unidentified Eating Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and some kind of schizophrenia thing I didn't quite understand." Niall sighs and drops Harry's hands.

"I don't know how you'd want to live with someone like me who can't even go a day without feeling awful."

Harry suddenly relaxes the tension in his face he didn't know he was carrying. He picks Nialls hands back up and kisses his knuckles.

"Niall, I want to be with you. All of you. The good, the bad, the scary. You're what I want and I honestly can't imagine a life without you anymore."

"But I'm fucked in the head Harry. I don't know how to be happy when I'm away from you. I don't—"

"Then don't go away from me. Ever. Me and you, okay?"

Niall takes his lip between his teeth and kicks a rock on the ground. "I don't want you to go anywhere." He mumbles.

Harry smirks and places his hand under Nialls chin. "And who said I was?"

He takes Niall by the back and eases him into himself, embracing him tightly in his grasp.

"Me and you." Harry whispers into his hair. He suddenly chuckles. "How could I let you go anyways? You are my secret."

Niall rolls his eyes but brings his body inevitably closer to Harry's.

"I love you," he says into Harry's chest.

"I love you."


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Okay you guys really thought I was gonna leave y'all hanging with that last chapter?!

Also I'm seeing Harry Styles in concert next year and I'm so pumped! It's the first time of me seeing any of the boys in the nearly 8 years I've been in this fandom!

So.. I was thinking... how about a second book? Would you guys read it? It would be about Nialls bipolar and schizophrenia disorders and such.  Let me know what you guys think. This is officially the end of the book! Thanks for reading as always!!

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