Chapter 1: Forever Cursed.

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Authors Note:
Thank you for taking the time to check out this story.

Skylynn's Point Of Veiw.

"Can you tell from the look In our eyes? We're going nowhere, we live our lives like we are ready to die, were going nowhere." - Shadow Moses, BMTH.

I woke up in a rush. Breathing heavily, my heart pumping like it was going to burst out of my chest I sighed. Obviously another nightmare.. I'm like this every night, my nightmares consists of my past;
I'm stuck on replay. The night where I lost everything, it is a never ending nightmare. It just goes to show how quickly things can change and how fast your world can be turned upside down into a spiral in a split second.

Austin slowly opened the old creaky door, obviously hearing me cry while I was in my unpeaceful slumber. he stood at the door " Xavier, Kye?" He questions I wince hearing my brothers names. I nodded, Austin frowns "Are you ok?" He asked, I smiled slightly "Yeah I'm ok"  "With time comes healing.."  I stared blankly "7 Years in a long time" I murmured. "For some it takes longer than others, its been how many years since I lost mum and I'm still recovering? Just let nature run its course, trust me" Austin replied.

I yawned tiredly, "I'll let you sleep ok, Sky, goodnight" Austin says "Goodnight Austin" I Replied as he shut the door quietly. I snuggled into my blankets and fell back asleep...

I woke up to screaming and someone jumping on me. I sighed.

Today's the day we go on our very first warped tour and perform along side our idols. "Wakey wakey Skye!" Riley our drummer sung in my ear "Common sweety! You have to get up! We have to get ready because the bus will be here soon!" Flicka the bands bassist and backup vocalist chimed excitedly in my ear. "Give the poor woman a rest guys! Don't panic she packed her stuff last night" Austin says walking into the room shortly after the room fell silent. I opened my eyes to see everyone had vacated my room and the door had been slightly shut.

I quickly checked my phone to see I had a text from my parents,
~'Hi hunny, good luck! We miss you, have fun! and be safe, love from mum and dad.' I replied to their text saying; "Thank You, I will and I miss you both too, I'll call you whenever I get the chance, be safe. I love you too.

had another text from my other best friend, Amberlyn wishing me good luck.

I quickly got my clothes sorted and done my make up and just let my hair flow down to my ribs In the thick waves it naturally was.

I looked in the mirror, I had my Slipknot Band Merch on with my black skinny jeans and my Red converse to go with my shirt.

I took one last look at my room when I heard a horn out side and yelling from downstairs "SKY THE BUS IS HERE COME ONN!" Yelled Keegan and Seth our other guitarists. I smiled. This is gonna be one hell of an experience. I thought to myself before running out of my room and out the door.

"I'll see you at warped" Austin says hugging me before running to his own tour bus I smiled before stepping into my own.

"Sorry Sky, but you're left with bottom bunk!" Seth yelled jumping on the last available top bunk I smirked taking the one under Felisha. "All good. But I'll be the one laughing when you forget you're on top in the morning and totally fall off the bunk, that would be how many times now?" I said "The 12th" Riley says laughing I smirked, "Keegan, want to take the top bunk?" Seth asked "Nah I'm right" Keegan says with a devilish grin.

I put my things down on my bed and start unpacking my clothes for the next three months, most of it band merch of all sorts. Converse or whatever.

All of a sudden I received a text I looked to see who it was. Brayden. "Shit." I cursed "Urrgh fucking hell" I muttered to myself  "What?" Keegan says poking his head into my bunk, I sighed heavily, "Brayden, texted me. Again."  Keegan shakes his head "Why don't you just fuck that cockhead off already? He's hurt you enough as it is." He says I looked at him. "Yeah. I know" I say rolling my eyes, I decided I would atleast read what he sent.

In a way I'm glad this tour popped up when it did. This way I can forget about the shit that is going on back home.

- Sky, please. Just reply to my texts. I'm begging you. Please. I love you. I'm sorry it was an accident I didn't mean it. Just please don't ignore me..

I decided I'd reply.
- Wow, I actually can't believe you have the fucking decency to say that! Like sleeping with her. Was a fucking Accident. What did you trip and fall into her vagina? Don't fucking talk to me Brayden I'm hurt enough. You broke my fucking heart for fuck sakes. Of course I don't want to talk to you.
He replied as soon as it sent.
It read. - I'm sorry.

I wasn't in the mood to reply right now. Or ever. He said that Angel was his best friend and nothing more, and he lied to my face. Little did I know at the time. He was fucking her the whole time. He's just sorry because he got caught out.

To take my mind off everything, I went through the bands that where touring with us:
2WI2D (my band)
Avenged Sevenfold
Arch Enemy
annd heaps others, these bands caught my eye.

I layed down and plugged my earphones in playing 'It Never Ends' by BMTH. at that exact moment it was as if all my problems disappeared.. I drifted off to sleep. To ease my sleep deprivation.

Some time later...

"Sky! SKY!" we are here COMMON! Get up! Get up! We all wanna go see warped and hopefully meet some bands!" Flicka said shaking me violently.

"We are here already?" I asked half asleep "Yeah no shit, Sky you've been asleep for atleast five or more hours" Flicka says "Oh" I said getting up, chucking my converse back on I stumbled hopelessly down the bus stairs and out of the bus knocking into Seth "Shit, Sorry" I mumbled catching my balance. "You just can't keep your hands off of me can you? I always thought I was irresistible" Seth says I shake my head

It was slightly chilly outside so I ran inside and grabbed a BMTH hoodie and joined my band mates. We started exploring warped..

About Skylynn's Band; 2 Wish Is 2 Die.

Skylynn Trait, 23 is the Lead Vocalist.

Felisha Ivan, 24 is the Backup Vocalist and Bass Player.

Riley Alexander, 26 Drummer.

Keegan Brennan, 24, lead Guitarist.

Seth Rian 23, Rhythm Guitarist.

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