Chapter 14: Home at last.

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Skylynn's Point Of Veiw.

It was honestly great to be in the comfort of my own home again.. I didn't realise how much I had missed this place until I layed down on my bed with Oli.

I was happy to be back even though I had a bit of Jetlag. Oli and I had decided that it would be better to rest for a few days before going out and about.
So we just chilled around for a few days cuddling, watching movies and ordering junk food when we wanted.

We barely left my bedroom we watched a whole heap of stuff like; American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Z Nation. I tired persuading Oli into watching Supernatural but he didn't want to so I didn't press it as it was pretty much all we watched at Warped Tour.


I woke up alone feeling refreshed and not tired. Once I had noticed Oli was not next to me I decided I would get up and see where he's gotten too.

I found him downstairs eating breakfast with everyone. I walked into the kitchen to everyone laughing and smiling and it instantly made me happy. I smiled before saying good morning cheerfully to everyone and I  then took my seat next to Oli. I looked down to see a full plate of food. I picked my knife and fork up eagerly.

"Who made Breakfast?" I questioned before eating my food. "Oli did" Seth spoke with his mouth full.

I turned to Oli and gave him a kiss on the cheek before saying Thank you. I then started eating, Oli made Pancakes with a side of bacon and eggs and not to mention a cinnamon bun, because he knows how much I love them. I dug into my food eagerly,  very happy with what Oli had made, I loved it when he cooked for me because he's a good cook. And I love food.

I made sure that I finished my breakfast before helping with the dishes.

"Oli is such a nice guy Skye. I'm glad you have him as your Boyfriend" Flicka said to me while we where loading up the dishwasher. I smiled "Thank you Flicka, I'm glad I have him in my life" I stated.

And its true. Already Oli's sacrificed a lot for me. He could of went home, but he chose to stay with me. Which honestly means so much to me. He's always there for me when I need him and he honestly has a heart of gold he's such a gorgous person and I'm so lucky to call him mine everyday... I thought to myself.


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