Chapter 5: Concerts.

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Skylynn's POV.

I don't mind it I dont mind it if you're over rated or if your staring at the edge of the world. ~ My Understandings, Of Mice & Men.

I didn't stay at the party for too long knowing that we have our first warped concert tomorrow. But we played a few drinking games. Before I called it a night and headed back to the bus. Oli needed some urgent sleep seeing as he was exhausted from todays performance. So I willingly said I'd share my bunk with him. Not because I like him or anything. Which I dont. I just wanted a cuddle buddy for the night.

I fell asleep to Oli pulling me closer to his body.

Skylynn's dream.

Singing to Three Days Grace, on the way home after their concert was amazing! I'm just glad Kyle was able to buy the tickets, I'm glad I could share this spectacular experience with my older brothers.

We all start laughing at Kye's idiocy, Xavier ran a red light. No biggie.
I looked at my brothers, how happy they were, I couldn't help but smile, myself.

I looked ahead and screamed in horror as a truck was coming at us head on, Xavier went to swerve. But it was so late. The car tumble and rolled. I heard glass breaking and smashing sounds of the car hitting the ground. We stopped. I noticed I was bleeding my head was heavy, and my body felt numb, I was completly trapped.
"Xavier? Kyle?" I call helplessly "Skye?" Kye says quietly I shift my postion and manage to unbuckle my seatbelt. I crawl over to my twin brother. "Kye.." I panicked "Shhh Skye its ok, I know" Kye says quietly I looked at him. He had bad head injuries and he was losing blood fast. "Skye come here" I crawl over to him, being careful not to hurt myself. He put his arms around me and held my hand "Kye your cold" I whisper "Shhh Skye close your eyes, everything's going to be ok, I promise.." Kyle trailed off "But Kyle "Promise me you'll be right here with me when I wake up" I whispered "I promise" Kyle barely said "I love you Kye" I said clearly as I shut my eyes letting sleep sweep over me "I love you too Skye, I'll miss you baby sis, I'm sorry..." Was the last thing I heard Kyle say..


"Skye?" Oli whispered as I woke up from my 'dream' I opened my eyes only to realize I'd been crying. "Are you ok? I tried waking you up but nothing I did was working.." Oli said worried. I smiled slightly "Don't worry Oli. I'm used to this" I replied sadly "What?" Oli says confused "I'm like this every night almost, its rare if I dont have a single nightmare during the night" I replied "Why?" Oli questioned I sighed heavily "Its a long story.." I started. "I have all night" Oli replied.

I sighed and stared off into space as I started. "So I was 16 and my older brothers and I brought concert tickets, to a Three Days Grace concert. We had a ball and the concert was absolutely amazing." I took a deep breath. " So on the way home Xavier my older brother ran a red light and we were all having so much fun that we didnt realize we where heading towards an on coming truck, Xavier tried to swerve but it was to late. We ran off the road rolling into a big ditch. My older twin brother Kyle had really bad head and abdominal injuries. I had the same injuries just nowhere near as bad. So I managed to crawl over to him, he was loosing blood fast and he was icy cold. He promised he'd still be awake when I woke up.. He died not long after the last thing I remember him saying was "I love you too Skye, I'll miss you baby sis, I'm sorry..." I woke up sometime later, Kyle was dead. I woke up to him being pulled from the car wreak. His arms torn from me." I paused. " Xavier was still alive, but unconscious. We were lucky being in the same hospital room. He came back from theater. After the surgeons relieved some of the pressure of his brain and were able to stop the internal bleeding coming from his lower abdomen. He was awake for a few days, he was going really well even got taken off life support. So 5 days after the accident. Xavier went into cardiac arrest. The doctors couldn't revive him. They dont know what went wrong.." I looked at Oli. "Every night since the accident, I've been reliving it, the whole car accident all over again..."


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