Chapter 15: Changes.

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Skylynn's Point of View.

It had been 6 weeks and Oli and I agreed that he needed to go back home..

Oli catches his flight home today, I'm going to miss him terribly, but I understand his reason's for leaving.

I like Oliver very much and I know this is going to be just as hard for him, as it will be for me..

He wont be gone long, 2-3 weeks as he needs to check in with the rest of Bring Me The Horizon and his clothing line, Drop Dead.

..I'm counting on longer as I need to check in with 2WI2D's manager and see where my band is heading next.. 

My time with Oliver has been absolutely amazing, I have loved every single second I have spent with him. Its gonna be difficult saying goodbye but it will be worth it in the long run.

A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't  updated in a long time. Happy new year and here's to 2018! I know its short- There's more to come, I just needed something small to work with so I can get idea's flowing through my brain.

- Here's to beating Writers block, all the bullshit I overcame last year and to 2018! Enjoy my lovelys 💕

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