Chapter 7: Party.

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Skylynns POV
I walk a lonely road the only one I've ever known, I don't know where it goes but its only me and I walk alone. ~ Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, Green Day.

I had an hour before Oli picks me up for the party at BVB's Bus. I dressed in something nice and did my makeup. I styled my hair found some boots and I was ready to go.

I was really looking forward to Oli and I's night. Yeah we were going partying and we where gonna get wasted but who cares, I'm at freaking warped tour for fuck sakes. I'm living the punk rock dream xD.

9:30 came around rather quickly but I was glad. Not long after that Oli arrived looking rather nice. Gosh he's so hot. I couldn't help but think to myself. With all those tattoo's and those big gorgeous eyes and that body with his personality just ohmylorddd.

"So you ready to go and have some fun?" Oli cheered with a grin on his face. I looked him in the eyes and smirked "Bring it on!" I exclaimed. I shut the bus up and Oli and I headed over to the Black Veil Brides bus, gosh the music was pumping so loud, it was great.


***Sometime later***

After a few rounds of shots, drinks and a whole lot more alcohol. Oli and I stumbled out of the bus completely wasted.

Oli and I headed back to my bus stumbling everywhere we could barely walk straight. We were careful but we still tripped up a few times.

"Oli Oli Oli" I slurred, he laughs "it sounds like Oi Oi Oi" Oli responds laughing. We soon arrived back to my bus.

I opened the door and almost tripped up the stairs, we tried being quiet but I guess we got the giggles and soon all the lights flicked on. Oli and I looked around feeling sorry because we thought no one was home. But I guess it was ok because it was only Flicka.

"Oh. I'm sorry Flick we thought no one was here" I guess she found it funny because she giggled "Nah its all good but youse should see yourselves right now, you'd totally pass for a couple.."

I laughed "Don't be ridiculous Flick, we're just mates having some fun.." I exclaimed "Haha. Okay guys, youse go ahead with whatever you where doing, I'm gonna go and look for everyone.." She said
"Alright Flicka. Be careful, seeyah later"
Flicka made her way past Oli and I and out the door.

Oli and I made our way to my bunk "Are you gonna be okay tonight Skye?" Oli asked worriedly I smiled "Yeah, I'll be good tonight, usually when I drink I don't dream" I said reassuringly. Oli smiled "Okay good, because you deserve sweet dreams.." I giggled at his sweetness "Oli you're adorable" Oli's head snapped in my direction "you said what?" He laughed hysterically and I blushed. "U-Uh I said you're A-adorable" I stuttered. Oli laughed "I'm not adorable love, it's all you" he said running his thumb over my cheek, I giggled.

I looked deep into his breath taking eyes. And I guess one thing lead to another and the next thing I knew his lips where touching mine.

Oh god. I don't know what to do. I panicked and pulled away



I'm sorry updates are slow. Writers block is such a pain at times. I hope you like this chapter although I know its not the best but I promise more Skyler action coming up. I'll update as soon as I can. I hope you're all having a nice day c:


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