Chapter 3: Hangover.

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Skylynn's POV.

Every seconds soaked in sadness, every weekend is a war and I'm drowing in this Déjà vu, I've seen it all before. I dont wanna do this by myself. I don't wanna live like a broken record. Ive heard these lie's a thousand times. AND I'VE SEEN IT ALL BEFORE!! ~ Seen it all before, Bring Me The Horizon.

I woke up to a half empty bottle of whiskey in my hand, my head was throbbing and my hair was a mess. Great. I thought to myself, obviously hungover, well, on the bright side atleast I had a goodnight sleep. For once. I pulled myself out of bed, walking past the kitchen and grabbing some, pandol on the way to the bathroom. I quickly fixed my hair and headed back out to my bunk, where from there I started drinking away. My bothers, Xavier and Kyle always taught me the number 1 way to cure a hangover is to keep drinking. And that's exactly what I did.

That was until, I felt my bunk shift to a new weight I rolled over to face Oli. I gasped. Little shit scared the living fuck out of me. "Oops, I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you" Oli says I giggle "Nah it's all good" I reply, taking another swig from my bottle of whiskey. Oli pouted "what?" I ask "You're hungover and you're still drinking?" He says "yeah, why not?" I reply I take another swig from the bottle, "Aren't you going to share that?" Oli asks, I look at Oli and then the bottle. "Nope" I say sarcastically, passing him the bottle. "Ok good, because I have more Rum, Vodka and whiskey as well as tequila in my bag" I raised my eyebrow at him, "Party supplies I stumbled across at the party, its not like they would of used it again" I laughed "Wow" I say taking the bottle.

"So where is everyone?" Oli asks "oh probably exploring warped, you know" I replied. Actually not quite sure as to where they all went.

I spent most of the day with Oli and the rest of Bring Me The Horizon. Meeting them was fucking amazing. They're all such idiots, it's adorable.

Around 2 in the afternoon we ran out of alcohol. Whoops. And so Oli and I left to find my band.

We searched everywhere and we couldn't find them so we decided to go and watch Sleeping With Siren's, Concert. Which was indeed Amazballs xD. After about another 20 minutes of them peforming. In between they played "If You Can't Hang" "Roger Rabbit" and "Better Of Dead" they rapped it up. We headed back to my bus, where everyone there was having a supernatural marathon. Fuck yes!. I thought to myself.

And so I dragged Oil to the couch, and basically died over the Winchester boy's. We ordered some pizza (vegetarian for Oli) and chilled out for the rest of the night.

**Three and a half hours later**

"Thanks for today, Skye it was Amazing" Oli murmured outside the bus. "You're always welcome Oil" I said smiling, "Well goodnight Skye" Oli says turning away, but quickly turned back towards me. "Are you coming to our concert tomorrow?" I smiled "Yeah sure, wouldn't miss it for the world" I said smiling. Oli returned the smile generously and swiftly turned back into the darkness towards his own bus.

"Goodnight Oli" I murmured into the complete darkness before heading back into my own bus.

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