Chapter 11: Skylers Offical xD

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Skylynn's POV
Frozen inside without your touch
Without your love, darling
Only you are the life among the dead.

All this time I can't believe I couldn't see

Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life ~ Bring Me To Life, Evanescense.


"Be mine?" Oli asked I blushed deeply and smiled like an idiot

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Sykes" I said softly

Oli placed his hand on my check and his other arm around my waist before leaning down and genitally pressing his lips against mine...



fter a minute or so of intense making out I reluctantly pulled away from Oli taking half a step backwards, Oli's band mates rounded the corner and Oli grabbed my hand, the guys chuckled. "So its official?" Matt Nichols asked, grinning. Oli looked down at me and smiled, "As of 5 minutes ago" I couldn't help but giggle "gotta admit it's adorable" Jordan said in awe as he looked at Oli and I.

"Shall we head inside and drink up?" I suggested grinning like an idiot, the Boys loved their alcohol, so drinking was always fun for them.

We headed Into the bus and went to the bar, the party wasn't over the top, just a few bands chilling around having some drinks. Its sad to think in just another few weeks all this will be over and we'll all be heading home.

I sat in Oli's lap, he held my hand for most the night and he kissed me every chance he got.

By the end of the night we where all pretty wasted and I headed back to Oli's bus for the night.

The guys where always being idiots when they where drunk and so when Jordan and Matt took there shirts off and started running around like crazy maniacs, it wasn't a suprise to me. Oli, Lee, Vegan and I laughed our arses off anyway because it was entertaining.

When we got back to BMTH'S bus Oli and I headed to his bunk, because as Oli told Jordan "We're too fucked to get more smashed, we need to sleep" The guy's kept on drinking of course and of course the guys wanted us to join in too, but we where hammered and if we didn't get sleep soon we'd be fucked. So we kindly declind the offer.

We climbed into Oli's bunk and cuddled, he held me close just like he always does and he ran his fingers through my thick hair and occasionally he stroked my cheek. I couldn't help but smile, as I loved my hair being played with...

I started to drift of to sleep. I knew it would be good, but in the morning I'd have a terrible hangover.

I heard the guys playing their drinking games and it was clear they weren't stopping anytime soon, I listened Oli's slow even breaths as he slept peacefully. Knowing soon I'd be peacefully sleeping too, I snuggled deeper into his strong arm's he pulled me closer as he stirred in his sleep I placed my arm over him and soon after difted sleep too..

Skylynn's POV.

I awoke from my slumber to the guy's pulling me out of bed, "Wakey wakey sleepy head" Matt laughed before giving me some panadol before my hangover kicked in "where's Oli?" I asked after taking the tablets. "He's in the kitchen making breakfast for you both" Jordan replied. I smiled "Okay cool, thank you for the panadol by the way" I said tiredly "It's all good Skye" Matt replied.


Soon after Oli came back with breakfast, the classic bacon and eggs on toast with salt and pepper, perfect after a big night. "Thanks babe" I thanked in between bites, I was starving. "Its my pleasure baby" Oli said smiling as I dug into breakfast, satisfied as to how hungry I was.

I done the dishes afterwards as a thank you. And soon after I was on my way back to my bus..

I had a great night and I honestly I couldn't wait to share the great news, with my friends.

Authors Note:

Hey guys, I hope you enoyed this update. I'm sorry if its a little short it'll be longer next time, I'll update as soon as I can.


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