Chapter 9: Feeling's.

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Skylynn's POV

I ponder of something great
My lungs will fill and then deflate They fill with fire Exhale desire I know it's dire My time today. ~ Twenty ∅ne Piløts.

Oli had a reputation for being a "Player" but I didn't buy it one bit. There was so much more to him, then what people knew. He's sweet, kind, caring, honest, cheeky.. I could go on and on. He has one of those personality's, he's just awesome and he has a funny sense of humor.

Maybe he changed?

Oli hasn't been in a relationship since his last girlfriend. Which was about a year ago.. Looks as if she played him. Seems legitimate, maybe he's learnt his lesson, Right?

I mean who knows, I wouldn't have the slightest clue as to what goes on in that big head of his.



Skylynns POV

There's only a few more weeks left of Warped and honestly it's been an amazing experience and I can't wait for future tours.

I've made friends here and I've met fans and I've had a rad time. 2 Wish Is 2 Die only has 3 more sets left for the summer. I wish it wouldn't end but there's always next time.

It'll be hard when it comes to leaving, it'll be hard saying goodbye to everyone I've met here, Especially Oli. It saddens me to think it'll all be over soon and we'll go our separate ways.

I keep telling myself otherwise and that it won't come to that.

I've always felt something for him, deep down inside. Even though I refuse to believe it myself because it all seems impossible because he's in a famous band and what not.

Apart of me wants to tell him how I feel but the other part of me fear's rejection.

Either way it'll come out someday. There's no point denying how I feel about him. I'm just scared he won't feel the same way about me..


I try my hardest to get a grip on my thoughts and concentrate more on my surroundings..

I tune into the talk going on around me,.

"So Skylynn, how are things with Oli?" Flicka asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned.

"Don't you too have a bit of a thing going on?" Riley assumed

I laughed "What is this guys? Aren't I aloud guy friend's without you all assuming I'm dating them. Is this a joke?" I replied coldly

"Sorry we all just thought you too where together and all, I guess we all misinterpreted the situation. But tell me, you have feelings for him though. Right?" Riley asked.

I sighed knowing there was no point in denying how I felt because in the end the truth will come out, it always does. I contemplated on whether or not I wanted to confess to my band mates as to how I felt towards Oli. I breathed in deeply, preparing myself for the drama that's about to go down.

"I'm not gonna lie to you guy's, I do feel something for Oli and I don't know how long I've felt like this for but I've only just realized it myself about how I feel towards him. This probably isn't a suprise to you all because of how close Oli are. I haven't told him how I feel because I'm afraid that he won't feel the same and then things will be different between us.."

I watched my friends process what I just told them.

"That's sweet Skye" Flicka complimented me and I sighed.

"I honestly don't know what to do with myself, I don't want to get in over my head here. After everything I went through with Brayden. I'm afraid that what Oli and I have, will just get thrown back in my face. The thought of that just kills me inside, because what we have means something to me and I'd do everything in my power to protect that and that's apart of the reason why I've kept my mouth shut for so long, because I don't want to loose what I already have."

"So you haven't told Oli how you feel about him?" Riley questioned.

"No I haven't" I replied quietly

"Don't you think you should tell him Skye?" Flicka asked

I sighed. "Of course I should tell him. I just don't know how, and I'm afraid he won't feel the same way-"

"Have you seen the way he looks at you Skye? He thinks the world of you. How could he not feel the same towards you?" Keegan interrupted me.

"Skye you need to tell him how you feel before its too late. You need to stop over thinking it and just do it. You need to push past the fear of being rejected and hurt and do something.. You gotta put the past behind you sometime, right? Oli isn't Brayden, how are you meant to move on if you can't let go?" Riley asked me.

I sighed in defeat. They're right..

Author's Note

Hey guys,I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, everything's been crazy and I haven't had credit so I've been writing again, but I'm back and hopefully you'll all see more updates from me more frequently. I hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think in the comments c:


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