Chapter 12: Happy Emotions

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Skylynn's Point Of Veiw.

One thing has changed since being with Oliver, my nightmares have stopped. And I'm finding myself feeling lost because its never happened before.

There's about a week left of warped and I have one more set left before our band starts thinking about traveling home.

The summers coming to an end, what are Oli and I gonna do? I've been so happy in my time here.. I just hope Oli and I don't go our separate aways..

Stop thinking like that Skylynn. It won't turn out like that and you damn know it..

I pushed the thought out of my head.

Oliver and I are in a relationship, we have feelings for each other. He's known to be a player, I don't know if I believe that..

How could someone just fake feelings?

Why was I over thinking everything? It was starting to drive me mental, with warped coming to an end I really don't know what to do with myself. And to think my time with Oli could be coming to an end didnt help my issues whatsoever.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Oli's arms wrapping around my waist. He pulled me closer to his body, holding me tightly.

I love the feeling of being held, it made me feel somewhat better and worth something.

"Are you ok baby?" He asked sounding worried, I smiled slightly. "Yeah babe we just need to talk.." I say trailing off, Oli raised his eyebrow in confusion. Before opening his mouth. "Is this about whats going to happen after warped?" He questioned and I nodded. Oliver chucked and tilted my chin up so I was looking at him. "Baby we wont be separating, I want to come back with you and we will discuss it from there" Oli says and a smile spreads across my face, Oli gives me a kiss before making his way to the kitchen.

"Hey Skye" The guy's said walking into the room. I smiled, "Hey dudes" I replied cheerfully as Oli walked back in the room, he made his way to my side, he wrapped his arms protectively around my waist. "What's the occasion guys?" Oli asked and the guys laughed "The Bar" Vegan replied, "You guys are welcome to join" Jordan quickly added. Oli smiled before saying "Thanks guys but not today, Skye and I are going to see PTV peform and then we're gonna go around Warped for a bit.. Maybe later?" Oli suggested. And the guys smiled, "Sure dude, have a good time at Warped." Matt said before the gang made their way out of the bus.


"Are you ready to go around warped once more before your last set?" Oli said as he locked the door to BMTHs tour bus. I smiled as he took my hand, we started walking to the main stage where PTV are preforming "Yeah I'm ready.. I'm going to really miss this place.." I trailed off looking at the ground, Oli chuckled.

"2 Wish Is 2 Die has been a huge success Skye. You and your band mates should be really proud of yourselves. And dont worry you'll be back probably a lot sooner than you think." Oli says I smile in appreciation. "Thank you babe" I say before quickly leaning up to kiss his cheek. Oli chucked before pulling me closer to him.

It didnt take very long to get to PTVs set and when we reached it, people where walking from all directions to get a glimpse.

I love Pierce The Veil. They make amazing music and are beautiful people.

They played Caraphernelia, Props & Mayhem, Hold On till May, Stay Away From My Friends, Bulls In The Bronx, King For A Day which Kellin made it on stage for and Hell Above. The set was rad as fuck and PTV were fucking amazing.

Afterwards Oli and I went around Warped. We took photos with Fans aswell as signed autographs. We wondered around Warped for a good while, bumping into people we knew like my band mates and OM&M.

We headed back to Oli's bus afterwards and of course the guys where still out so we had the bus to ourselves. We decided to chuck on a movie and cuddle..


We awoke to banging and crashing from the guys making their wasted asses around the bus. Oli and I hurled ourselves out of the back lounge to go get the guys to bed before we headed to my bus for the night because I have a set in the early afternoon and BMTH has one later that day.

We got the guys to bed and then organized our stuff before walking a short distance to my bus..

When we walked into the bus we where greeted by the lovely smell of weed and the pleasant sound of Supernatural.

"Skye is that you?" Flicka called. I smiled before yelling back "Yeah Flicka its just Oli and I" Riley poped his head around the corner and I smiled "Hey Rie" I said softly and he chuckles "Hey Skye, Oliver" He says cheerfully "Hey man" Oli replied.

We made our way to the lounge where we joined in on watching Supernatural and smoking up.

Smoking up and getting high is something I rather enjoyed in my teenage years.. I still do to an extent but nowhere nearas much as I did.

Oli and I bailed not long after that, we had watched about 5 episodes since being back and we both had quite a lot to smoke in that time so we went to bed..

Cuddling was always something I always enjoyed, especially with Oli. I love how he held me and ran his fingers through my hair. It was such a comforting feeling having someone beside you as you slept especially the one you love.


I felt the overwhelming feeling of sleep take over my body as I knew I was drifting off. I felt warm and safe in Olivers arms. His touch has always been comforting to me. I listened to his heartbeat and let the peaceful feeling take over me...


A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter..I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I've had extreme writers block with this story. But I'm pushing through it c: I've been working on my other Oliver Sykes Fanfic which is called Suicide Season. I hope to update more frequently aswell :3

Anyway I hope you're all having a rad day/night!


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