Chapter 16: Goodbye for now. .

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Skylynn's Point Of View.
I'll be your gavity; You'll be my oxygen. 💕

Riley has given Oliver and I a lift to the airport and while Riley's driving he has control over the stereo so we're listening to Parkway Drive. Thats always good.

Riley offered us a lift to the airport so I can stay with Oli until his flight is due for departure.

Oli is currently clutching my hand while we drive to the airport. I'm resting my head on his chest with my eyes closed, listening to his heartbeat one last time, making the most of our last moments together for a couple weeks, before we have to go our separate ways..

Oli wraps his arm around me and runs his fingers though my long hair one last time he then proceeds to gentally kiss my forehead and at that moment, I wished this never would end..

*** TIME SKIP ***
Skylynn's Point of View.

Oli's flight boards in 5 minutes and so Riley went to get the car while Oli and I are say our final goodbyes for the timebeing.

"I'm gonna miss you Skye, If you need me please don't hesitate to call or text me." Oli murmurs into my ear as he tightens his grip on my waist and gently presses his lips on my forehead. I smiled brightly, "Of course Oli, I'm gonna miss you too. Tell the boys I said hey and look after yourself, get home safe and let me know when your flight has gotten in. You can call me anytime you need.." I say looking into his eyes before kissing his soft lips. We made out and held each other until the flight attendent called out...

Our hand locked together... I felt his warmth, lips and a gentle kiss, one last time and quicky said our goodbyes.

Oli kissed me on the cheek, before he ran off though the crowd to catch his flight. Before I knew it, he was nowhere to seen, at that point I knew he was gone.
I sighed heavily and headed back toward the airport entrance, feeling a little empty within myself. I made my way to the car where Riley was waiting for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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