Chapter 8: It Never Ends.

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Skylynn's POV

Everything I touch turns to stone. So wrap your arms around me. And leave me on my own. I can't hold on. ~ Blessed With A Curse, Bring Me The Horizon.

*** The Next Morning***
I woke up alone but it was obvious I didn't fall asleep that way.

I had then been hit with my drunken memories of last night.

Oh. No
No no no, oh goddamn it Skye really, why?! I cursed to myself.

I found my phone and lucky it still had battery on it. I pulled up Oli and I's conversation. And began to text him how sorry I was.

Hey Oli. I'm so so sorry about last night.. I really don't know what happened...

I hit send and got a reply almost instantly.

It was a drunken mistake and I'm sorry. I shouldn't of kissed you.. You don't need to apologize for freaking out Skye.

Can we forget last night? I hit send.



Olivers POV.

Last night played out over and over in my head. Repeating itself as if it was the only thing I knew. Replaying over, like a broken record. No matter what I couldn't get that kiss out of my head, or her off my mind.

I didn't mean to kiss her, I don't even know what came over me. It just felt right.

But why did she freak out like that?

After she fell asleep I left. I don't know why. It just felt right. Even after I got back to my bus. I still didn't sleep. So I guess I just sat around and waited for nothing to happen..

*Time Skip To A Week Later*
**Skylynn's POV**

I was walking back to my bus after BMTH's set. I loved watching them perform, and same with any band I listen too. I've met fans, signed autograph's etc.

It was dark, raining. I loved summer rain. There wasn't any stars in the night sky or the moon. I knew they where there, I just couldn't see them because it was too dark and cloudly.

I approached my bus. But something felt off.. And I felt uneasy, I looked around.

"Hello?" I called out. But all I was met with was silence and the sound of rain. I walked slowly. Cautiously. I got to the front door of my bus, opened the door..
I felt a force pull me backwards, I stumbled and whoever it was pushed me up against the bus. I couldn't help but scream out of fear.

I looked up. Rage and anger started to build up inside of me. I clenched my jaw. Trying to control the pure rage that was about to errupt from inside me.

But just as I went to explode at the fucking douchè who toyed with my heart, Brayden went flying through the air. And I couldn't help but smile smugly out of satisfaction.

Brayden hit the ground face first.
"Skye are you okay? Did that dickhead hurt you?" Austin spoke calmly. "No, I'm all good"

Brayden attempted to stand up but Oli threw him up against the bus. And pinned him there.

"Why the fuck are you here. You know I don't want anything to do with you after what you did. If I wanted to talk I would of returned your calls and texts. So don't say you love me, because if you really loved me you wouldn't of cheated on me with that slut." I spat in his pathetic face.

"..I know, I know Skye, I'm sorry. I know you'll never forgive me. I can see it in your eyes every time I've seen you since. I never meant to hurt you. I know you don't believe me, but it's true. I should of never did that, because I lost the thing that meant the most to me. To be honest I don't even know why I came, I seen your set. And it was great. I just thought I should of tried harder to get you back, because someone who didn't care wouldn't bother, but I have. I guess I'll be on my way... If you want to talk, I'll be here. Goodbye Skye." Brayden pushed past Oli and disappeared into the darkness.

Austin and Oli lead me inside.. "Did he hurt you?" Oli asked I shock my head no. "Are you considering taking him back?" Austin asked.

"Honestly yes but no. I mean I get that he's sorry n stuff but he had his chance, and he abused it, and left me broken I don't think I could just go back to that. You know what I'm like, even if he wasn't talking to Angel I'd still have that anxiety he's cheating on me. I couldn't live like that knowing what he did. It's not the same.." I explained. Austin nodded his head in understanding. "You know I completely agree with you Skye. He can't just walk in here and expect you to take him back especially after what he did to you" said Oli I smiled slightly and nodded my head "Thank you Oli"

We chilled out for awhile. Watched some movies. After a bit Austin left, but Oli stayed and after the movie he spoke up. "You're so brave and strong you know that?" Oli complemented me. I smiled slightly. "He had it coming.. I knew it was just a matter of time before he'd try strolling in here thinking he'd try and win me back." Oli laughed "He did seem legit though" he added, I sighed. "He always does"

"How did youse find me?" I asked "well Austin and I were chilling and all of a sudden Austin went pale in the face and said he needed to get to your bus immediately because something's happening.. He looked as of he'd seen something.." I nodded my head in understanding "fair enough" I replied

Not long after that my band mates returned from wherever they went and Oli explained what had happened with Brayden and I before saying his goodbyes and leaving himself.

It was late so I decided the best thing I could do for myself was to go to bed, and that tomorrow would be a better day...

I said goodnight to everyone and made my way to my bunk..


Authors Note.
Hey peeps. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had stuff going on, I'll try to update more frequently... I hope you enjoy the chapter.


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