Chapter 4: Warped.

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Skylynn's POV.

Watch them fall (its a disaster) to their knee's (forever after) as I lay I think I'm flat lining. Watch them fall (its a disaster) Thick as thieves (forever after) as I lay I think I'm flat lining. ~ Thick As Thieves, Short Stack.

I woke up in the middle of the night like usual. My nightmare's are getting worse. Every Emotion, every feeling. The pain, the agony and the empty, and nothing feeling I felt on nightly basis on the inside is back. Usually I'd call or text Austin, but I just laid there. Their was no escaping from the feelings I feel on the inside. This time. I just took it as it came in heavy waves. It covered me in what felt like a dark mist surrounding me. So I just laid there unmoving, completely emotionless. And yet I felt so much pain and hurt. The hole in my chest grows deeper and deeper. Its been 7 years. And yet I'm still feeling all of this.

I rolled over and attempted to fall back asleep...


I woke up around 10, we had to be at rehearsal by 11 and finish at 1. During that time we'd be working out songs and what not with our tour manager, Jase.

So I pulled myself out of bed and got ready.

**at rehearsal**

So we were discussing the songs we were gonna play at our upcoming concerts. So far we had "I Hate You" which was a massive success with our number 1 hit single out of our EP album "Revenge Is All I Seek."

Then we have "Hold On" as well as "Not Your Heart, Not Your Fight" and the song that got us famous, but dedicated to my Older brothers, Xavier and my twin brother Kyle "Angles"

"Are you sure you want to play that song?" Riley asked I nodded "Its a classic and it holds so much emotion" I reply smiling. I wanted to play that song. As an achievement as to why we are here standing here today.

Riley just nodded his reply as we got into our rehearsal session. I warmed up my vocals and so did Flicka, The boys got into business Drop tuning their gutairs and Flicka checked out her base tuning it right and making sure the amp's were in working order.

Then we started with one of our first songs to our second album "Hearts destined to self-distrust" we stated playing " Inside your head"

I sung the chorus.

I met the monsters
inside your head.
And I never knew
of such a dark place.
But now I know
(and now I know)
It's all in your head.
I should of said something.
Because In the end
I already knew
you'd wind up dead.
And I'm sorry.
I didn't want things
To end this way.
And Im sorry.
(Im sorry)

And The screaming starts.



After rehearsal we headed out into warped, Bring Me The Horizon were due to peform in 3 and a half hours and to be honest I could not wait.

**Time Skip**

Bring Me The Horizon, where due to peform any minute and with each second, the crowd began to get bigger and bigger. Oli walked on stage and "Looks like we've got a massive crowd today, boys!" Oli said excitedly to his band members "Lets do em proud tonite guys!" Oli yells into the microphone as he runs across the stage. They started with a oldie but a goodie, Pray For Plagues. Then Medusa, as well as Chasing Rainbows, Suicide Seasons, Empire (Let Em Sing), Sleepwalking and then they finished with my all time favorite Shadow Moses.

"Thank you all for such an amazing Night! Have a good one and be safe!" Oli yells before him and the guys run off stage. I make my way through the croud quickly trying not get noticed by the potential fans around. "Skye!" A familiar voice yelled into the distance, I turned around as Oli approached me. "Hey" I say brightly "so how did you like the concert" Oli says wiping beads of sweat from his forehead " Amazing like always" I say, Oli smiled as we started walking around " So how many concerts have you been to?" Oli asked. I paused as everything flashed before my eyes once more. I closed my eyes for a second before looking at Oli with a pained expression, "Ive been to 5" I say staring of into space. "Hey! You okay?" He asks. I look at Oli. "Haha yeah. I'm fine." I replied. "So uh, theirs a party at mine tonight, you're welcome to come along with your band if you're interested" Oli says exitedly I smiled "Yeah sure" I replied "Its at 9:30" Oli says I smile as we got to my bus.

"Well I'll see you then" I replied turning towards the bus "Haha yeah, seeyah" Oli says jogging in the opposite direction.

I turn around to see Seth "Soo you and Skyes, Huh?" He says Cockily I laugh and shook my head. "No. He's my friend, and anyway I barely know the guy." "I ship it!" Flicka yells " #Skyler I like it!" Riley says "I love that 'Anyway'" Keegan says. I gave them that 'really' look and sighed. " Well of the subject.. Kinda. Um well so Bring Me The Horizon invited us to their party, its at 9:30, and they wanted us to come" I say "Someone say Party?" Seth says "Fuck yeah!" Keegan exclaims "Yeah sure, why not" Flicka smiles I look at Riley "Haha this is Warped tour we are talking about, this is party mania, hell yes I'll go!" Riley says
"Ok then. Its settled"


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