Chapter 2: The Beginning.

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Skylynn's POV.

Do you know what's worth fighting for, when its not worth dying for, does it take your breath away? Can you feeling yourself suffocating? 21 Guns, Green Day.

We walked around Warped exploring for a bit with Austin and the rest of OM&M and bumped into PTV who gave us Party Invites for tonight as a celebration for this years tour. We gladly exepted as this would be a good way to meet our favourite bands... And get shit faced..
So we headed back to the bus to get ready...


I was wearing my fishnets and I had my hair down like usual and my denim shorts with my Suicide Silence singlet aswell as my plain dark blue hoodie tied around my waist in case I got cold.

I hadn't bothered reapplying my make up and left with my band mates and OM&M, Pierce The Veils, Bus wasn't very far from ours, but we didn't even get close to the bus, and you could already tell that the party was already in full swing, Music of all Genres playing, Definitely good music that had a good beat to it. Thank god.

We pushed our way inside to get some drinks, that was until. Some cunt, knocked me over. Asshole. The bus was crouded and I lost my band mates, Shit. Austin was no where to be seen. And it was so cramped up in here. I felt everything start to close in on me, Ugh. I struggled to stand, with all the dacing body's, holy fuck, it was like fucking a mosh pit. All of a sudden someone must of noticed me trying to get the fuck up from this bus floor. He crouches on to the ground next to me, his tattoo's seem familiar, "Hey there, you ok?" The British ascent asked I slowly looked up to come face to face, with the one and only, Oliver Skyes. I tried to control, the inner fangirl part of me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I opened them to see Oli, looking a little concerned, I smiled brightly. "Yeah, Thank you" I said taking his hand, he helped me to my feet. Over the loud music I was suprised with how clearly I could hear his voice.

"Have a little to much to drink, love?" Oliver says I looked at him a little weird. "Nah, some Asshole knocked me, and me being a clutz fell over" Oliver looked down. "So whats a pretty girl like you, doing at a party like this?" "Oh yeah. I'm in a band" I said looking at him. "Really? Are you here for warped?" "Haha yeah. I'm Skylynn Trait from 2 Wish Is 2 Die" "Oh so you're the band that Of Mice And Men, kinda 'made happen'?" Oliver questions. "People see it like that but, thats not what happened at all.." I say "Can you tell me?" Oli says I smile, "Yeah sure. So my band mates and I were just like any other high school band. So around 7 years ago our band formed. And well, I guess over time we started to make it big. You know. And well I had not even realised the whole time that my older brother Xavier, was best mates with Austin. And after months of my brothers pushing and encouraging my band members and I decided to do it, what did we have to loose? Its what my brother would have wanted. And so at Xavier and Kyle's funeral, Kyle's my twin brother by the way. We played 'There song' as we sent them off, and after the funeral when I was saying my last goodbyes to my brothers, Austin confronted me. And it started from there I guess." I say to Oliver "So what was your name again, love?" He asked completely off the subject. I smiled at him "Skylynn but people call me Skye" I said cheerfully.

I turned to him "Im a huge fan by the way" I added Oli smiled "So what is it like meeting someone as fabulous as me?" I laughed at his sarcasticness (if that's even a word) "Amazing" I said smiling "I would introduce myself, but you already seem to know my name" Oli says "Haha yeah" I laughed..

"So why dont we get some drinks, hey?" Oli says "Sure" I reply as we push our way passed dancing figures and towards the bar..

And of course at the bar stood all my band mates. Typical. I thought to myself.

Oli got us some shots of course Vodka, "Hey Skye!" Flicka yelled obviously drunk. She stumbled and Riley caught her, seeing as he was dead sober, It was obvious he'd been drinking but it takes a lot for him to get shit faced. "Oh my god! Its Oliver Sykes!" Flicka squealed with excitement, Riley looked at Oli and smiled. Oli just chuckled, as Flicka basically just embraced him, like he was family. Once Riley was able to pull Flicka away, he placed his arm around her waist protectively. "Sorry about that mate, I'm Riley and this is my girlfriend Flicka" Riley Greeted holding his free arm out to gesturing to a friendly hand shake, which Oli held his arm out. "Nice to meet youse, I'd take it you're apart of Skye's band?" Oli asked, curiosity clear in his voice. "Haha yeah, Felisha's our Backup Vocalist and Bass Player and Riley's our Drummer" I say smiling "well it's a pleasure to meet you both" Oli replies "Likewise, anyway catch youse later this ones a little wasted I'm gonna take her back to the bus, catch youse later!" Riley says turning away from us with Flicka by his side.

"They seem cool" Oli says "haha yeah, they're awesome" I murmured.

**Time skip***
**Few hours later**

Right now I'm with Oli and Austin, Im being taken back to the bus, and you guessed it, I had a bit much to drink.

"You really should get some rest love" Oli says helping Austin help me up the stairs of the bus. "Me? Sleep? HAHAHA, I don't need to sleep. Im fine, hay Oli did you bring the whiskey?" I ask "Yes, but you are not having it until we get you inside" Austin says "Okay" I huff and lean into them, before I knew it I was placed under a comfortable surface "Thank you!" I cheer happily as Austin gave me the whiskey "Oh yeah and boy's, I don't care what you have to say, I know Im totally wasted right now, but shhh! I won that drinking game. Your argument is invalid" they chuckled "okay, okay, you win Skye, now shut your eyes" Austin hushed. And I did exactly that.

I didnt need to worry about my nightmares and demons tonight, So I did as I was told.

Before I knew it sleep swept over me. And I fell into a peaceful slumber..

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