Chapter 10: Mine For The Taking.

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Skylynn's POV

Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed (It's blasphemy) I tried to warn you just to stay away and now they're outside ready to bust it looks like you might be one of us. ~ Heathen's, Twenty ∅ne Pilots.

I decided I may as well tell Oli how I feel. My friends gave me the courage to do so. I was going to met Oli after my set tonight at the party my band mates are throwing, I'll confess to Oli how I feel. Hopefully he feels the same about me..

My set was coming up in about 10 minutes, we started to get organized backstage. I ran through the song list we where going through.

We had to choose 8 songs for our set list and 2WI2D set list is;
1. The used
2. Shadow
3. Hollow Existance
4. Shine Through
5. Desire
6. Misery At It's Best
7. All In Times Absence
8. Silence Within These Walls

I ran through everything else and made sure it was all good to go.

***ON STAGE***


"Thank you all for a rad night!I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did and I hope you all enjoy 2 WISH IS 2 DIE. Welcome Skylynn and her band mates on stage guys! Let's have it for 2 wish is 2 die!!" Austin exclaimed into the microphone.

OF MICE & MEN ran off stage as we ran on. Austin handed me the microphone and told me he'd see me after the show.

The croud started cheering.

"Who's ready for a fun night?" I questioned the croud roared and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Before we get into things I just want to thank you all for coming along tonight. I know the lengths you guys would of went to just to get a hold of a ticket. You all give me a reason to breathe everyday. I love you all and I hope you all have a fun and safe night and enjoy the show!" I boomed.

The croud roared as if it had came to life. And before I knew it the music had started and everything was taking place. I smiled in satisfaction as I knew I was in for a good night...



we finished our set, my band mates headed back to our bus to set up for the party which was about to take place. I'm looking for Oli and I'm not touching the alcohol until after I've talked to him, I don't need to make a fool of myself..

I waited towards the front of the bus and soon it started to get a little crouded so I moved outside and waited close to the door

"Skye!" I heard him call my name and I smiled in relief I felt him hug me and I couldn't help but relax at his touch. "Hey you ready to talk?" I questioned turning towards him and looking him in the eyes he smiled slightly before nodding yes.

We went for a walk to get away from all the loud music, "So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Oli questioned I smiled slightly "well you see Mr. Sykes I've fallen for you" I put it to him straight he kinda seemed a little surprised but then he bounced back into reality and smiled down at me "have you really Skye?" He questioned.

"Oli, of course I do. You're amazing and sweet, you're smart and you're unique you can be an ass but you're also so caring and affectionate you've got a one of a kind personality and a awesome sense of humor, In the time I've spent with you Oli, its enough for me to know that if I left here, with just being mates with you, everything that's happened between us, I'd know I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't feeling anything for you.."

I kept silent, giving Oli time to process what I just poured out to him. He blushed and it was adorable I couldn't help but smile
"Skye I could say the same thing about you.." Oli confessed

"What?" I said in utter shock.

"Isn't it obvious?" Oli asked, I raised my eyebrow at him in confusion. Oli shock his head.

"I love you Skye, whatelse could I be trying to say?" Oli said

"I don't know, I was afraid to say anything because I felt you wouldn't feel the same way.."

"Oh my gosh Skye your such a goose, come here baby. I know you want too" I smiled because he was right I walked into Oli's arms and he embrassed me.

"Be mine?" Oli asked I blushed deeply and smiled like an idiot

"It would be my pleasure, Mr. Sykes" I said softly

Oli placed his hand on my check and his other arm around my waist before leaning down and genitally pressing his lips against mine...

Authors Note:

Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile and I hope this is good enough, my lifes been all over the place.. I'll update when I can..


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