Chapter 13: Leaving Warped.

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Skylynn's Point Of Veiw.

My last set was honestly awesome. We stuck around for a few days before packing up.. Today we are heading home.

I woke up to the buzzing of my alarm, the one I had set hours before my awakening to make sure I would not sleep in today..

I hurrled myself out of my bed and quickly packed up my things.. Only leaving out the things I would need for the day and for the flight back home to the UK. We are traveling from Michigan to Newcastle.

I left out my days clothes and my travel bag and headed to the bathroom. Where I had a quick shower, I got dressed and applied some light makeup before packing away my clothes from last night and my travel bag. I left out my passport, my phone and charger aswell as my plane ticket. I sat everything neatly on my bunk ready for when we would arrive at the airport.

I made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water and said good morning to everyone. I then went to the loungeroom to relax for a bit before Oli and the guys come over for their farewells. Oli would be coming back with me so the guys would be coming over to say their goodbyes to everyone.


I hugged Matt,Vegan, Lee and Jordan one more time before jumping back on 2WI2D's Tour bus. "I'll miss you guys!" I yelled out the window as we drove past. Oli yelled out to the guys too, we shut the window and relaxed until we reached the airport.

After ages of standing around in line we're finally seen by flight attendence and our luggage was boarded onto the plane, we then had a 2 and a half hour wait before we boarded the plane. The flight from Michigan to Newcastle is an estimated 10 hours and 55 minutes. Not to mention Michigan is 5 hours behind Newcastle... We're in for a long trip home..

The 10 hour and 55 minute flight to Newcastle was honestly exhausting and long. I couldn't be happier that I would soon be in the comfort of my home again. I'm excited to have Oli stay too, although I know its been months since hes been home and I'm sure he's probably missing it like hell.



"Are you ready?" I asked Oli as we finally arrived at my house and he smiled "Yeah baby, lets go inside" He said as we carried our things out of the car. We rushed inside because it was cold and raining and I honestly felt so relieved. I sighed heavily "It's so good to be home" I said smiling. Oli smiled slightly "Lets go put our stuff down love and relax because I'm honestly so exhausted and would love nothing more than to cuddle you and pass out." Oli says before yawning. I nodded "You're right babe, its been a long day. Lets go up to my room and crash we have plenty of time to relax and whatnot" I said softly, we then picked up our things and made our way upstairs to my bedroom.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated recently. I dont really have a way to upload because I dont have internet at home so all I have is mobile data when I have credit but I haven't been able to get credit because my simcard is broken, anyway I hope you enjoyed this update and hopefully I can update sometime soon. 🤘


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