Chapter 16 - On the road again (FINAL EDIT)

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I left work around three o'clock Friday afternoon. It was a little early, but I didn't want to be late for the cabin. I had three hours on the road ahead of me, and the forecast said medium probability of moderate snows. Better safe than sorry. My stuff was already in the back, so I texted Bella, letting her know I was on my way, then hit the road.

There was a lot of stuff going on in my head.

Abbie. Bella. Christina.

I didn't know what to make out of it – so I decided to not think about it and just go with the flow. Somehow things would turn out all right. Always did.

Medium probability of moderate snows my ass.

By the time I reached the high country, it was snowing heavily. Had been for some time. The main road was no trouble – there were plenty of trucks out keeping it clean – but as soon as hit the back roads, it became more difficult. I still had an hour left to go, and it wasn't going to get any better.

I tried calling Bella to let her know I might be late, but I couldn't reach her. I put the phone away, got out, and put on snow chains before it was too late.

I got back in and drove on, keeping my focus on the road ahead. I was glad I had a good car and lots of experience with bad, snowy roads. Some of the people I passed did not, and had gotten into trouble because of it.

By the time we pulled up in front of the cabin, the road was barely navigable. Even the Land Cruiser, with snow chains deployed, was having trouble. Lesser vehicles would have ground to a halt long ago. We had reached our destination in the nick of time. Another half-hour, an hour tops, of this snowfall, and the roads would be blocked entirely.

I put the car in idle and checked my phone. Still no signal. Coverage up here was usually decent, but there wasn't a lot of overlap between base stations. If one or two went down, a big area could go black. The telecom guys could go out in snow tractors if need be, but not in this weather. Not for such a sparsely populated area anyway. I would be hours, if not days before we had any phone services – let alone a reliable internet.

"I'm going inside, see if I can find our host. You stay here," I said to no one in particular.

There was a reply, but I was already on my way out and didn't hear what it was. I slammed the door shut behind me.

"Cabin my ass," I said to myself.

It was no cabin. It was a freaking palace. My own cabin, large and modern though it might be, paled in comparison. The main house was a massive block of timbers deftly positioned to flow naturally into the gently sloping terrain. There were three levels: a mix of ground floor and basement at the bottom, a large main floor entirely above ground level, and an upper story with a sloped roof. The upper story occupied only the rear half of the palace – the rest was given over to giving the living room huge panoramic windows and a very high ceiling. Two, two and a half, thousand square feet – per floor. It looked like several million dollars (no, we don't do square feet or dollars here, I've converted it for your benefit).

There were two other buildings visible through the falling snow – one was an annex of sorts, a smaller one-story building, connected to the main house by a roofed hallway. There other appeared an overgrown garage meets utility shed, with some kind of loft on top. Together the buildings framed a courtyard of sorts.

I imagined seeing a fourth building further away but lost sight of it as the wind picked up.

I saw a door right ahead on the ground floor. The snow was knee-high in places due to wind drift. The door wasn't locked, so I let myself in.

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