Chapter 30 - Second breakfast (FINAL EDIT)

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I left Emma to freshen up, she was all sweaty and sticky, picked up Donna's bag, and headed back outside, into the waiting snowstorm. I went down the stairs and crossed the yard. Let myself inside the main building. Considered searching Bella's boudoir for cosmetics, decided against it, and went into my room.

Donna was still there. She had finished showering, waited for me, waited some more, and then fallen asleep on the bed. It would have been very cute, except I didn't want her in my bed.

Oh well, nothing to be done about that now. I tucked the duvet around her, popped into the bathroom to fix my hair – this day was shitty enough that I didn't want a bad hair day on top of everything – and went back out into the hall.

I heard muffled sounds from the kitchen above, so I immediately canceled my plan to check the annex and went up the stairs to the main floor instead. They were all there, thank God, lounging around the main living room: handsome Harry, beautiful India, lovely Juliette, and bitchy Kimberly.

Harry was kneeling by the fireplace, feeding more logs to the fire. He was in tight jeans and a tee, with a couple of slippers and a knitted sweater that had to belong to Greg. Not that it didn't suit our handsome guest, quite the contrary, but the price tag was way out of Harry's little league wallet. He turned around and gave me an amiable smile as I crested the stairs. I smiled back at him. He really was easy on the eyes. No wonder the girls liked him.

India was flipping through an Italian couture magazine. She looked every bit as elegant as the women in the magazine. She had acquired a long, dark skirt and a pale, embroidered blouse of exquisite quality, with a patterned wrap-around of fine alpaca wool casually thrown around her graceful shoulders. All of it borrowed from Bella. The blouse was a little too big for her, she didn't quite have Bella's attributes, but otherwise, it was a perfect fit. As were the pair of heels sitting on the floor next to her chair – Bella had worn that pair to bed on more than one occasion. She smiled noncommittally at me, then resumed flipping.

Juliette and Kimberly were sitting very close on one sofa, speaking softly to one another, hands touching in the fashion of lovers rather than friends. Like Harry, they had adopted a casual style, mixing the few items of clothing they had managed to bring along with borrowed apparel. Juliette looked at me, eyes and mouth smiling like she meant it. Kimberly barely deigned to acknowledge my existence. Both girls had slippers parked next to the sofa. Slippers. Meh.

"Hi guys," I said and did a childish wave with my right hand while trying to gauge the situation.

All four of them said 'hi' to me at the same time, creating a weird cacophony of sound. Everyone, except Kimberly, laughed a bit at that.

"You doing good?" I said. "Anyone up for breakfast?"

Then I realized we were still one person short. Delightful Donna was sleeping in my bed, and eager Emma was probably in the loft shower right now. But where was my gorgeous, strawberry blonde? Where was Lizzie? I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You're right on time!" came Lizzie's call from the kitchen. "Breakfast is nearly done. Now come here and help me set the table!"

I felt myself relax. The travelers were all alive and unhurt. What had I been thinking? That they'd all be dead? How silly of me.

"Coming," I called and hustled over to the kitchen. I was awarded a magnificent view: Lizzie, in a pair of Bella's jeans, bending down to check on some breakfast rolls heating in the oven. They were a bit too long for her, but she'd solved it by turning them up and putting on a pair of ankle boots. I was happy that at least some of my guests bothered to dress for the occasion.

"Could you help me with these, they are steaming," she said and twisted around a bit.

Her pretty face was framed by that beautiful mane of golden hair, cleverly braided using ultra-secret braiding techniques. Well, maybe not so secret – it was just me that couldn't make even a plain, straight braid. I also got a glimpse of her chest, breasts lovingly wrapped in some of Bella's cream and pink lingerie. Lizzie was, unlike India, about the same size as my mad boss, at least as far as underwear went.

"Sure," I said and moved to help. I made sure to rub against Lizze, ever so carefully and casually, when I took the oven mitt from her.

She just laughed at me, knowing full well what I was up to, and bumped her bum against mine, unbalancing me.

We both started laughing as if sharing a funny secret. Maybe this day would turn out better than the previous one.

I managed to get the rolls out of the oven using only hand; the other one I tried to catch Lizzie with, but she was too quick for me, and all I was left with was the ribbon of her apron. I pulled at it, the knot came undone, and Lizzie slipped away.

We laughed some more.

"Whoever has the apron is the chef," I told her.

"Really?" she replied, unconvinced.

"Really," I affirmed.

"And what does that leave me?" she asked.

"My lovely assistant."

"Assistant? I'm much too good to be just an assistant. I should be in charge. You can be my slave." The way she said it... I wouldn't mind being her slave for a while.

"Sorry," I said and shook my head in a most melodramatic fashion. "I've got the apron. I call the shots. You are my slave. Ready to serve my every need, at any time, at any place." She didn't look like she would mind being my slave either.

"Are you two going to do it on the kitchen table, or can we eat now?" came Kimberly's voice from behind me.

I turned around, and sure, there she was in the door opening, her face hard and uninviting.

"We're just having a bit of fun," I said. "But yeah, food is ready, so we'll do Slave and Master later."

Lizzie used the distraction for ripping the apron out of my hands. "Dibs on master!" she called.

"Whatever," Kimberly replied and began setting the table.

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