Chapter 48 - Summertime mornings (FINAL EDIT)

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Summertime mornings are the best.

I woke with the sun on my face, and a gentle breeze caressing my skin. The tall double doors leading to the balcony stood wide open. The air was heavy with rose and jasmine and lavender. Outside songbirds were welcoming the new day, a cacophony of sound, finer than any symphony created by man. But no seagulls. Definitely no seagulls. Gulls as pretty, but they make only noise, not music.

I reached out to caress my sleeping love. I had a bit of morning wood... needed to warm her up a bit before I took her... but she was not there. I sighed and sat up in the heart-shaped bed we shared. Where had she gone to? The bedroom door was ajar, and I could hear the sound of coffee being ground. Ah, she was making me my wakeup coffee. First, a double espresso, then a blowjob. Abbie, sweet Abbie, always so eager to please. Always going the extra mile, going all the way, taking every last drop.

Summertime mornings are...

I heard her before I saw her. The click-click-click of her heels on our hardwood floors. She really knew how to turn me on. Put on your shoes for me, baby. Just as she knew I didn't like heel marks. The naughty girl needed some disciplining, maybe I'd let her taste the cane after. She so liked to be hammered from behind when her butt was all red and sore, my hands around her neck...

She came through the open door, a cup in either hand. She was dressed for a dinner party. The halter neck black, a glimpse of lacy underwear (but no stockings?), her favorite Louboutins, makeup on, dangling earrings. Had I slept through the day? Some memo I had missed?

"What's the occasion?" I said and tried to rise to meet her halfway. I could not. I sat there, rooted to the spot. However much I wanted, I could not move.

"Felix," Abbie said, her words oddly out of synch with her mouth. "Wake up. Can you hear me? You're dreaming. You have to wake up!"

"Wake up? You're making no sense." Abbie became a blur, a black smear against an eggshell backdrop. "Abbie!" I shouted and threw myself forward. But there was no floor anymore, and I fell into bright oblivion.

Summertime mornings are the worst.

"Felix?" Abbie said. Her voice was soft and sweet. Familiar sounding, neither godly nor angelic, just Abbie. She was close. I could feel her breath on my skin.

I opened my eyes and looked into those beautiful eyes that are no color and every color, flecked with gold, sparkling like jewels. A cascade of blonde hair, barely kept in check by a braid, falling gracefully across one perfect shoulder. A smile that could dazzle the moon. "Abbie," I smiled. "I had this strange dream..." I looked at her. You were wearing that dress. The same earrings." I looked down her cleavage. "The lingerie I got you for your birthday." I looked at her legs. "Your favorite stilettos. You even forgot stockings..."

"You fainted for a little bit," Abbie said.

"Fainted?" There was something about a dinner party nagging in the back of my mind. "This seems so unreal... you sure I'm not dreaming now?"

"You're awake now, Felix. I'll show you." She came towards me, pulled up the hem of her dress, letting me have a glimpse of the smooth skin of her thighs, straddling me, her body pressed against mine, her hands in my hair, her lips on mine, the taste of her. That kiss. That sweet first kiss. How I had longed for it. Longed forever and denied it to myself. Sweet kiss, sweet bliss. "There," she said, nearly out of breath. "Real enough?"

"Yes," I breathed. The scent of Abbie filled my nostrils. The taste of her still on my lips. I looked around. We were in an oddly familiar room... it looked like my suite... like my suite... at the cabin. No, not my room, Abbie's suite. They were a matching pair, our rooms. The bed had not been slept in. No Donna dreaming away the night. Good. That would have been awkward.

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