Chapter 49 - Witch on top (FINAL EDIT)

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"That's not how it works, Felix love. You're the one tied to the chair. I'm the witch on top. Understood?"

"Quite." I tried not to sound like an intimidated schoolboy. I'm not sure I succeeded.

"I'm not very experienced at this. At being a witch. But I am a witch, and I know what I have to do to save you. I love you, Felix. Always have. I know you love me too. I've always known. But you never gave us a chance."

"There was your marriage," I objected. "I couldn't just..."

"I was separated, Felix! You were my best friend, and I loved you, and you loved me. You only had to wait a little while. But then you had to go sleep with Bella, you stupid twat!"

"I... you're right. I'm sorry. I..."

"You were just you. I know. But it still hurt. It has hurt every single day since."

"That's a lot of days," I admitted. "You could maybe have..."

"You were damaged goods after, Felix. She hurt you, chased you away. And still, you stayed. And when she called again, you came running like the beaten dog you were."

"I suppose you're right. And I did try to drown myself in booze and pussy for a while too. That didn't help, did it?"

"No, it didn't," Abbie confirmed. And it wasn't just 'a while.' It was the whole while. From when she tossed you out until she took you back again."

"Does it help that she's a wicked witch and that she was out to, you know, bind me to her service with darkest magic?"

"A little," Abbie said and smiled sweetly at me. She began plucking at my shirt again, pulled it open. Let her hands flow across my rock-hard abs and impeccable pectorals. Had Michelangelo been alive, he would have redone David, based on my body, no question.

"Anyway." I tried to keep my voice steady. No point, really. She must be acutely aware of what was going on in my suit pants. "You can't or won't untie me. Now what? What's the plan? Take advantage of me while I'm tied up?" I'd really like that.

"Your seven companions are all sated and sleeping."

"About that," I began.

"I know. You fucked them silly, all seven."

"I..." She kissed me again, a fourth time, her hands still on my chest, and it was heaven.

"It's no worse than the rest of your 'conquests,' the situation considering." She let her right hand glide over my very stiff left nipple. "Do you like it?" she asked. Took it between her thumb and forefinger, pinched it lightly.

"Very much," I told her.

She leaned forward and spoke into my ear, still massaging my nipple. "I'm betting you did Bella too. But did you and Greg?" her voice trailed away.

"What? Greg? No!"

"No? That other guy, the young one, you certainly did a number on him." She sat back, inspecting her fingernails.

"Look, Abbie, I," she suddenly kissed me a fifth time, and I was powerless to resist.

"It's ok, love. I like men too. I don't judge you. I did two guys once. You can't go wrong with a hard cock between your legs. I've kissed girls. Even touched one, there. I told you about it, remember?" I just nodded. Her hands were all over me again. "I'm not completely innocent, Felix. I haven't fucked half the town like you have, but I'm not a virgin. I like sex. I definitely don't get enough of it, but that's on me. I do masturbate. A lot. I know what makes turns me on – and I do know how to please a man." She put her legs down on the floor and pushed away from me.

"I believe you," I told her. "If I hadn't... earlier tonight, I think..."

"Shut up, Felix."

"I think..." She put her hands on my knees, leaned forward. My eyes were drawn to her neckline. If I have to, I will always pick ass. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a perfect pair of boobs. Abbie's were perfect, firm and full, not too large, and perfectly wrapped in quality lace.

"Look at me, Felix." I looked at her. "This is serious. Deathly serious. I'm a White Witch, so the Others can't touch me. Greg's protected by his bond to me. The others are sated. You, however, are not in the clear yet."

"I was feeling pretty sated until you tied me up, kissed me, and started pinching my nipples."

"I don't think you were," Abbie said. "But it doesn't matter. I'm here now. I'll have to finish what you started."

"To be honest," I told her, "I don't mind. I've dreamed of you since the first time I laid eyes on you."

"And now you get to live your dreams, Felix. Lucky you!" She climbed back up into my lap and kissed me. Was it the sixth? I wasn't sure. Still just as good as the first time.

"I call the shots," Abbie told me. "We're not done until you're completely spent and begging me for release. Is that clear?"

"Relax," I told her. Who did she think she was? A White Witch? Sure, I could play along with that. "I'm more than ready to give you a good dicking." I nodded towards my crotch. Did the little minx think she was something special? If seven people couldn't give me what I wanted, did this dumb little skank believe she would be enough? "In fact," I continued. "I'll have you begging in no time at all."

"The wormwood is wearing off," Greg's voice said from somewhere nearby.

"Give me the vial; there is some left. Maybe it will be enough. I'd rather make love to Felix, not a monster." Abbie got up again and disappeared out of view. If I craned my neck, I could just make out Greg, handing her something silvery.

"Hello, Greg," I shouted. "You know I can hear you, right? When I'm done with her, I'm gonna fuck you up with the axe. You'll fucking beg to die. You hear me?!"

Strong hands gripped my head from behind, forcing my mouth open. I tried to keep it closed, but Greg knew how to pry open a pair of jaws. Abbie came up and poured the rest of the wormwood into my mouth. I was ready to spit it out, but before I could, Greg clamped my jaws shut. How'd he do it? Must be a wolf thing. I didn't swallow.

"Don't hurt him," Abbie said. She lifted the neck strap over her head and wiggled out of her dress. It fell down to the floor, making a little circle around her high-heeled feet. The lingerie really was very sheer. I had chided her when she didn't want to wear it before, but I could understand her now. It had looked excellent on the model, however. She came forward, into my lap, giving me the best view of her chest. "Will you swallow for me, Felix? I promise to if you do."

So I swallowed. What else could I do? Greg let go of my head. I opened my mouth to show how good I was. She kissed me again. It was totally worth it.

Then I crashed into darkness.

For the second time that evening.

And for the first time that evening, the darkness spoke to me.

Or should I say screamed?

I was weak, pathetic, stupid, useless, a disgrace, and many things besides. I didn't catch all of it, but man, it did know how to swear and insult. What vitriol.

I only laughed.

When it was done screaming abuse, it tried another approach. The witch was out to steal my power. If I didn't stop her, she would suck me dry.

How droll, I told it. Try again.

The wolf would eat my still-beating heart – after fucking my ass raw.

That sounded made-up, desperate. I didn't even deign to reply.

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