Chapter 17 - Everybody, say hello (FINAL EDIT)

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Bella looked about ready to strangle me, making me, for a moment, doubt the wisdom of rescuing the youngsters from the dreadful cold claws of the raging blizzard. The boss wasn't too fond of surprises, but I hadn't expected Bella to get this upset.

Fortunately for me, she didn't have time to do the deed. Instead, the front door sprang open, and two pretty blonde girls hurried though, one after the other, followed by a gush of wind and a rich helping of snow.

They were only lightly dressed: sneakers, tights, tops, and useless summer jackets. I had found their car halfway down a ditch in the middle of nowhere. They had been heading for a nearby ski resort but had taken a wrong turn (actually they had taken several wrong turns) along the way.

There was no hope of getting their car out of the ditch – and no hope of driving on even if they did – so I had offered them a lift. Both had gotten into the front passenger seat and had chattered away the whole trip. I found both of them likable and attractive if a little on the young side. Not too young for a good fuck, but too young for polite conversation, if you get me.

"Donna," I said, indicating the taller of the two. She wore a pair of elegant, black-rimmed spectacles, which immediately fogged over. "Hello," she said and smiled in our general direction before removing her glasses. "I'm Donna. I'm sure you're all very nice. I'll have a better look at you when this clears," she said, indicating her glasses.

Greg chuckled a bit at that and took a good look at her youthful figure. He was pretty much eye-fucking her already – a girl well under half his own age, with his wife standing right at his side. What a pig. I found myself liking him a bit more.

"Close the bloody door," Bella snapped at the younger girl.

The girl did like she was told.

"And that would be Emma," I continued. "They are twins. Fraternal twins that is." It was a superfluous comment, really. It wasn't difficult to see they were sisters, but they were too unlike to be identical. Twins, that is.

"Hi," Emma said, having closed the door. "Thank you sooo much for having us." Her teeth were white, and her smile very bright. Classic example of too much teeth whitening. I blame American TV and movies. She was shorter than her sister, with less curvature. She lacked glasses, and her long hair was pulled high into a pony-tail.

Unlike her sister, who was wearing casual wear, Emma's garments were well in the sportswear department. Where Donna was wearing denim tights, she countered with some crazy patterned sports tights, the kind only women can love, and only if it's the current fashion. Same story with the rest of their apparel, a battle of casual versus sportswear.

Personally, I prefer sportswear to be worn at the gym, or going to and from the gym. At some point, however, it had become semi-fashionable to be out and about in sportswear, come hell and high tide. I didn't approve, but then again, no one asked me or cared what I thought about women's fashion.

"I thought you said seven," Greg said. I thought he sounded hopeful.

"I did," I replied as the door flew open again, letting in more cold and snow. And more people.

"This handsome devil is Harry," I said. Harry was tall, dark, well-toned, and quite handsome. I'm no expert when it comes to male beauty, but I can tell pretty from dross. Harry wasn't dross. His youth and athletic disposition made him pleasing to look at, even if I didn't fancy boys much.

"Next is beautiful India, short for Indiana," I said as another girl passed across the threshold. Tall and thin, strong features, the kind of model pretty that looks great on pictures, but is less obvious during daily life.

"Hi," she said and tossed her hair to get rid of some snow. "I'm delighted to meet you," she said to our hosts. "Felix has told us so many good things about you."

"Great personality. Killer legs," I added.

Bella made a very unladylike snort at that, but Greg got the joke and laughed.

"Next is the lovely Juliette," I almost called her slutty Juliette, but caught myself. She really was. Slutty. Or so I hoped. She practically oozed sensuality. Her dark hair. Her pale, flawless skin. Her feminine body. The way she talked, sat, moved. Breathed. Everything reeked of passion and lust and...

"Hello," she said, French accent barely discernible. Yeah, she even came from a lovely country and spoke the prettiest of languages. I had decided I was taking her to bed the moment I laid eyes on her. I didn't have all the details figured out, but I would. How hard could it be?

Speaking of which. "And her just as... lovely girlfriend, Kimberly."

The last person didn't reply, just nodded at Greg and Bella. Kimberly was pretty enough, but there was nothing lovely about her. She had waist-long dark hair, too much make-up, and her boobs came from the toy shop (by now, you know what I feel about that). Did I find her sexy? Hell yes. She looked like a million dollars. But she was too hard, too angry to be called lovely.

The four of them were friends. They had been traveling together towards another cabin when they got stuck in the snow. I had extended them the same courtesy I had Donna and Emma. The four of them had managed to squeeze together in the back seat. It was quite the crowd, me and my six new friends.

"Door," Bella said curtly. The wind slammed it shut, almost as if on command. Weird.

"One more," I replied and walked over to the now-shut door. It took some effort to push it open. Must have been the wind.

Our final guest came gliding out of the snowstorm.

"Last, but not least, I give you: Lizzie."

"Hi," said the girl with the strawberry blonde curls and the biggest, most winning smile I'd ever seen. She also had perky tits, a narrow waist, and nice hips. Her age was a bit hard to pin down. She was certainly older than the other six, possibly my age, but I couldn't be sure.

She had been forced to ride in the back – or sit on my lap. Lap would have been nice, but with the weather and the road conditions, it was a no go, so I had put her with the luggage. Not exactly legal, but better than freezing to death.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you," she said like she meant it. "It's so good of you to take us in like this."

After the initial commotion had died down, I chanced a glance at Bella. I had expected her to soften up a bit, but she hadn't. Her face had become impassive, save a big, false smile. Her eyes, however, were very dark and not at all friendly.

"Get these people organized," she told Greg, "then bring them up. We need to sort this out." She spun around and disappeared upstairs.

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