Chapter 42 - Insidious India (FINAL EDIT)

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I held out my arms and let India dry me off.

Her dress was already a black pile on the floor tiles. Her midnight-colored lingerie, which included a pair of elegantly patterned stay-ups, always a hit with me, and her stilettos made her look like something out of one of my wanking fantasies. I have this thing for slender women, lingerie, and high heels... shouldn't come as a surprise by now. Only thing that grated a bit was her height. In her party shoes, she stood taller than me. Hashtag: modeldateproblems.

My larger-than-Harry's dick was reacting, happy to receive attention from such a lovely woman... but something wasn't right.

I've slept with many women, some of them truly beautiful, but few as fine as India. And the girl was trying so hard, nailing the 'sweet and innocent meets sultry seductress' role.

I realized what the problem was.

I should not be mildly aroused, I should be on fire. From the soles of my feet to the top of my head, I should be a blazing inferno.

Why wasn't I?

I was growing... I struggled to find the word... bored? Yeah, that was it. Felix was bored.

Don't get me wrong. I was about to give India something to tell her grandchildren about. I would bang her senseless, make her pass out from equal parts exhaustion and pure ecstasy. It would be the best fucking she would ever get. No question there. The Felix always delivers.

But what was in it for me?

Sure, she was beautiful. Model beautiful. So elegant. So tall. So slender. Not a flaw on her. But I'd already slept with a slew of women – that very night. They may not have had India's immaculate beauty, but they had wanted me, wanted it.

And I had wanted to give them what they craved. I had taken them all to great heights – and in the process, they had made me feel great, each of them in their own, simple way.

Now I felt my interest waning, my focus slipping. Troubling indeed. You can't give a woman the time of her life if you can't pay attention. Come to think of it, I was more turned on by the memory of just having given a guy a blowjob that I was by the thought of pleasing this one-in-a-million woman. Was I close to being sated? Was that the reason why I was second-guessing myself rather than pushing her up against the wall? Was my plan actually working?


How was I to know when I've had enough? And why was I wondering if I could entice Harry to have one more round? I thought of Bella and the strap-on. I was sure the real thing would be better. No, I wasn't sated. Just bored. India was stunning but boring. There was nothing she could offer that I had not already had many times over.

This wasn't like me at all. I would never turn down a woman for being too pretty. Even if she turned out not to be super interesting, I would always make the best out of it. Leave no woman unsatisfied, and always have fun doing so. That's what I did. That was the Felix Code.

Was the spirit getting to me? Was it trying to ruin my plan? I shook my head to clear it. India was almost done drying me, saving the best for last. At least my dick had the decency to give her the impression that I fucking cared. I put a smile on my face and caressed her cheek so she wouldn't catch on.

I had to assume the worst and act on that. We were three people still up and about, all in need of sating. That was fact. And all three needed to be deeply, utterly satisfied. And we needed to reach it together. It wasn't going to be easy. I had to time this right, make them last, make them work.

Harry had already gone twice. One more time and he should be good, especially with all those drugs in his system. But he needed some time to recharge. That left the model lady and me. I could do her. I just needed a... less boring angle.

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