Chapter 52 - The end, I guess? (FINAL EDIT)

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It took until Monday to get everyone down from the mountain. That's how long mountain services needed to clear the roads. The recent snowfall had set some kind of record. Never since records began back in eighteen-something had so much snow fallen in twenty-four hours. The sudden plunge in temperature had also been out of the ordinary. According to the news, it was only luck that no one had died. They showed photos of empty cars, buried in the snow. Thankfully their passengers had gotten out, saved by an as yet unknown person or persons. Whoever had helped them was a real hero. I had no plans for stepping forward.

It was just as well that it took a while. I had slept through the entire day, only waking once during Sunday night. Waking not in my own bed, and not alone. Nothing spectacular about that. But the blonde woman sharing a duvet with me, the one I had my arm wrapped around as well slept, was Abbie. That was spectacular.

I wish I could say that everything had been just a bad dream. Or that I had only vague memories that faded as I woke. Not so. I remembered the weekend – and the days before it – in perfect clarity. Witches and warlocks. Wolves and men. Magic and dark spirits. It was real. All of it. And with those memories came the knowledge that I had not been entirely myself of late.

I snuggled closer to Abbie's back. My Abbie. The dark thoughts left me then, and I fell asleep again, dreaming only of Abbie and wolves playing catch in the snow. I woke to some God-damn alarm. I groped for my cell and forced my eyes open. It was 07:00 (7 am for those of you that need translation). Monday morning. That least loved of all mornings. I'd forgotten to turn off my alarm. I slid my finger over the screen to shut it up, tossed it away and rolled over.

And there she was. The White Witch who had saved my soul. Abbie, the love of my life. She was in bed with me, rolled on her side, head propped by an elegant arm, a mass of blonde hair spilling across the pillow. Her eyes smiled at me. Her mouth also. It melted my heart. The duvet covered most of her, but just a look at a naked shoulder sent my heart racing.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

"Good morning, gorgeous," I said and took her in my arms. And no, there was no lovemaking. Just an awful lot of hugging, some kissing, and maybe a tear or two. Not telling you who cried. Make a guess.

By the time we were ready for the day, the youngsters were up and about. With Greg's help, they'd recovered the snowmobile, and now the kids took turns riding it. They'd also built a ski jump and like fifty snowmen – the temperature had gone back up, and the snow was kram, which isn't quite like wet snow, just sticky enough that making snow figures is easy. Many of the snowmen were in lewd positions. Kids.

I said 'hello' to my lovers of the weekend. To my surprise, everyone seemed really happy to see me. I had been worried it would be all awkward, but it was not. I was hugged and kissed and hugged some more. It was all just very... friendly. It was emotionally touching – and a little disconcerting. I'm usually not much for that kind of non-sexual intimacy.

"I gave them all a little potion yesterday," Abbie confided in me. "We were unsure how they would react, so I asked the mirror. It suggested a mix of mandrake and..."

"You drugged them?"

"More like a magic spell, really."

"A spell? Right. Witches and warlocks and all that."

"It's a nice spell. It just takes the edge away, removes concerns and doubts. They remember what happened. And they remember it fondly. A happy memory from the past, but they will not dwell on it."

"They would have, remembered fondly, without the magic," I replied.

"I'm sure," she said. "I do. Without the potion." She leaned towards me and whispered. "I tried to wake you last night to... but you were dead to the world. So I took your hand and..."

That made me blush. And I don't do blush. Or cry for that matter. Not that I'm saying that I did, mind you.

What was this woman doing to me? What had love reduced me to? Didn't matter. I was loving every minute.

Greg was waving down at us from the living room window, so we headed inside. He had, with Lizze's help – the two of them seemed to get along very well – made us a hearty brunch. We sat down, all ten of us, and had a nice meal together. Rolls. Boiled eggs. Scrambled eggs. Bacon. Cheeses and cold cuts and more. I must say that Abbie was much preferable to Bella as a hostess.

The snowplow finally arrived sometime after brunch. Between the Land Cruiser and Greg's Lexus, we wear able to fit everyone. Phones came alive as soon as we cleared the damned mountain. By the time we reached the mountain rescue depot, everyone was engrossed by their phones. Well, except for Abbie and me. I had one hand on the wheel – with the other, I held her hand. We didn't say much, but we smiled a lot, and I had to really struggle to pay attention to the road. I just wanted to look at her all the time. Old Felix would have been nauseated. New Felix was just fucking happy.

We said goodbye to everyone at the depot. The blonde duo, Donna and Emma, got into their car, as did the brunette quartet. Lizzie's car looked really beat up in daylight. It wouldn't start, so Greg offered to drive her down to the City. She smiled and said, 'yes.' Greg smiled too. I didn't want to kill him so badly anymore, so I waved goodbye instead. Then he came over and fucking hugged me. I had no choice but to embrace him back. Abbie was watching the whole time. The sneaky old bastard!

Abbie's car was still unaccounted for. She told the rescue men where it had been parked, and the promised to tow it in as soon as possible. I offered to buy her a new car instead. She said thanks, but it worked for her, and she didn't want to burden the planet with yet another vehicle. I said we could make it a Tesla, they were electric, but she just shook her head and laughed.

After goodbyes and a couple of coffees to go, we got into the Land Cruiser again and headed for home, sweet home. Everything had worked out all right. Me and Abbie. We were a couple now. Not a conventional one, maybe. Didn't know any other White Witch and Warlock couples, but we'd figure it out. I loved her. She loved me. It was in the open. Sex was amazing. She was amazing. I felt happy. What could possibly go wrong?

There was only one little catch: explaining to Abbie why I had a crazy Russian girl living in my apartment.

I could just tell her, of course. Honesty seemed to sit well with Abbie. But I kind of doubted that explaining about my BDSM experiments, which included treating another human being as my personal plaything, would make her think more highly of me.

So, no. Not going there.

I had less than three hours to figure out something. Plenty of time.

The Felix delivers. Always.


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