Chapter 51 - Witches ain't quitters (FINAL EDIT)

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Abbie should have been tired, but she wasn't. In fact, she'd never felt as alive and awake before. Sleeping was out of the question. She lay there, next to Felix, watching him sleep, smelling him, listening to his breath. It felt so good, being here, together, finally.

The spirit was gone. They'd won. Together they had... the room grew colder all of a sudden. Abbie sat up, pulling the thick down duvet around her body, and watched as Felix's shadow flowed out of bed and spilled onto the floor.

As it did, the lights in the room grew fainter, then failed altogether. Abbie was left with only the stars and the dancing Northern Lights to see by. Just enough light to make out a vaguely humanoid shape standing next to the bed.

"Abbie," it hissed.

"You can't have him," Abbie told the spirit and put a hand on the head of the man sleeping next to her. "He's mine. He always was, always will be."

The dark shape chuckled, sounding very much like Felix would have. "You're wrong, little witch. You won this round, I'll give you that. But we're not done yet. Not by a long shot."

"Go away. I banished you."

It laughed out loud, in a deep, grating voice, utterly unlike Felix's. "You are a very young witch, untrained, without a mentor. I am as old as the darkness itself. Erebos is my father, my mother is Nyx."

Abbie knew those two names. Greek mythology. Gods of darkness. She had done a lot of research into ancient religions for her fantasy novel. This was insane. Was she dreaming?

"Dreaming?" the spirit said. "If you can't tell the difference between awake and dreaming, is there any difference?"

"I'll ask Morpheus if I see him. Begone, shadow," Abbie snapped.

"Yes, yes," the shadow replied. "I'll be going. You have banished me. Well done, little one. True love. I had not expected that. But it's only a for a little while. I've tasted his flesh, and it was... wonderful. I know his scent. I'll be back, and next time, love won't save him."

"You're wrong!" Abbie shouted at the shadow as she slid out of bed. The room was freezing, giving her goosebumps all over and making her nipples stiffen, but she stood her ground. "Our love will never fade. If you come back, I'll be there, and it will be you who regret coming."

The shadow chuckled again. "Sure, sure. You and your magic will defeat me. Abbie, the White Witch of the North, the greatest spellweaver to walk the Earth since ancient times."


"No," the shadow interrupted her. "You know no real magic, and you never will. There are no more white witches, no one left to teach you. If the dark ones catch you... the things they will do to you..."


"Be silent, girl!" the voice of darkness called out, velvety soft and hard as iron at the same time. "You know nothing of the forces at play. You're so far out of your league it's not even funny. Walk away now, and I won't tell them about you. Bring the wolf-man with you. He's loyal. He'll protect you and fuck you both. It's a win-win for everyone. It's a limited time offer," it added. "So, be quick." Again the mocking laughter.

Abbie stepped around the bed, stark naked, and faced the shadowy shape hiding in the darkness. "I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to drive us apart. But it's not going to work. I'm keeping him, no matter what comes. So just drop the devil act and be gone."

"The dark witches..."

"Can go fuck themselves." It was Abbie's turn to interrupt. "If they come, I'll take them on. If I go down, I will go down fighting. Besides," she added in a voice suddenly soft, "you won't tell them, will you?"

"I..." the shadow started, sounding for the first time uncertain.

"Because if you do, that will be the end of Felix. They will either kill him or bind him, and then you're out for good."

The only reply she got was a snake-like hiss.

"Thought as much," Abbie said. "Now, fuck the hell off, before I use my powers on you, my real powers, you sniveling little shit!"

"You win this round, White One, but you won't be there to protect him forever." The voice was growing fainter with every word. "You're mortal. I'm forever. Sooner or later, he'll be mine."

Abbie stared at where the shadow had been. There was nothing there.

The door slid open.

"Are you all right, Miss Abbie?" Greg asked. "The lights are out, and I thought I heard voices. Loud voices."

"You did. The spirit manifested. We had words. Harsh words."

Greg came into the room just as the lights came back on, revealing Abbie in all her naked glory. The man couldn't help but look.

Abbie didn't care. She was beyond being shy. "Tell me, Greg, who's the fairest witch of all? Is it me, or Bella?" She pirouetted slowly across the floor.

The old wolf didn't reply, but shook his head and backed out of the room, his eyes riveted to the White Witch until the door slid shut between them.

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