Chapter 47 - Dinner for three (FINAL EDIT)

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"So true!" Abbie said. "It's been like the strangest week. I was sick for a few days, but then I got better. We kept calling each other... but neither of us seemed to be able to pick up," she laughed a little. "I took my own car on Friday, but it got stuck down the road, it's such a shitty car, so I'd figured I'd just ski in. But I kind of got lost. Then I bumped into Greg. It took a long time to get back here, but we finally made it."

It sounded a bit... improbable. But Abbie wouldn't lie to me, would she? Greg, he was lying, of course. But he seemed to have this strange affection for Abbie. No sign of hostility towards me either. Just a healthy dose of wariness.

"Anyway. I'm so glad you're both here," I lied. "Abbie, would you help me with the candles? I was just about to..." I handed her a long lighter Bella used for such things. "I'll just pop back into the kitchen and get the food. Meat should be rested now."

"Of course," she said and took the lighter. Her hand briefly touched mine, sent a tingling surge up my arm. I wanted to hold on to her, but could not.

"Be right back," I said. "Don't go anywhere."

"Take you time," Greg called after me. If he was trying to be funny, it didn't work. Too soon. It just made me want to turn around and crush his skull with one of Bella's silver candle holders. No need for an axe. Make the best out of what you've got.

I didn't, though. If I did, Abbie would see me for the monster I was. That I could not live with. So I brought out the food and served it up. We sat down and made a toast to cabin life by candlelight, all the good things that come after spending the day outside.

"How is Bella," I asked Greg as I bit into the meat. The tenderloin was excellent. Perfectly seasoned. Seared on the outside, slightly pink on the inside. I've never been a fan of rare meat, I prefer mine medium. The simple cream-based gravy had a little peppery kick to it. Perfect.

"She was fine when I left her. Very sad she had to leave, of course. But the business is so important to her..."

"Of course." The sweet potatoes were almost black on the outside, not brunt, just crisp. The inside was buttery and sweet, contrasting the salt and oil, with just a hint of spices.

"But where are the kids?" he countered.

"The kids? The responsible young adults, you mean? They are fine as can be," I told him. "Had a fun day in the snow. A bit too much to drink, perhaps. There was also a bag of weed going around. That girl, Emma, is a rascal. A very young rascal. They passed out early. You just missed the last of them. Sleeping like babies now, all seven." Asparagus was perfect. Boiled, but had crunch. Touch of salt and butter. I do love me some asparagus.

"That's good to hear," Abbie said.

"Yeah," Greg replied. "Would have been quite a crowd with ten people for... dinner."

His attempts at being clever annoyed me no end. He was trying to hint of what had gone before, but would not speak of it openly. He did not want Abbie to think he was insane. She didn't know. I was sure of it. Of course, she didn't know. Witches and warlocks. Men turning into wolves. Spirits and dark magic. What utter rubbish. Sweet, sweet Abbie knew nothing of such things. Should never know.

I considered what to do next.

Greg and Abbie were complications I could do without. I was about ready to call it a night when they appeared out of nowhere. What would happen if I fell asleep after dinner? Would I be in the clear, but those lesser spirits take over my dinner companions? It was a possibility I could not discount.

I couldn't let anyone harm Abbie. I had to keep her safe. She would need to be sated. The things I would do to her beautiful, innocent body...

Greg... I would have to kill him, just to be sure. It was the logical thing to do. Only not in front of Abbie. Maybe when she was in her room, I could strangle him, all quiet-like, bury him in the snow.

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