Chapter 19 - Seven tired travelers (FINAL EDIT)

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"Greg, Felix," Bella said, voice silky smooth. "Our guests look about ready to fall asleep. If you would escort them to their rooms?"

Greg smiled at India, bade her goodnight and got Donna and Emma up and walking. They were both yawning and stretching and apologizing for being so tired. Bella threw them a very dark look once their backs were turned.

I peered down at Lizze. She didn't look tired. I would much rather lead her to bed than chaperone the sleepy-looking threesome on the sofa. I sighed. "I'll be back," I told Lizzie. "Don't go anywhere." She replied with a sweet, perfectly innocent smile that made me want to bang her even more.

"You three," I told them, "get on your feet and follow me."

I put out a hand to help lovely Juliette to her feet, but Harry was more awake and grabbed it first. He smiled at me in a very friendly manner, if you catch my drift, and tried to pull me off balance. I'm sure the idea was for me to land in a big tangle with him and the girls on the sofa. Well, whatever his plan was, it was foiled: years and years of Judo training made me pull back on reflex. Harry more or less flew out of the sofa and crashed into my embrace. I hadn't intended to pull that hard – it just happened.

"You're really strong," he said.

I waited for him to say something more, but he didn't. Maybe he was just tired, or maybe he was more of a looker than a talker. He smelled nice, though. That's always a bonus.

"I am," I replied noncommittally and put out my other hand to Juliette. This time she took it, and I pulled her up and in close with us. Kimberly didn't want to be left out, so she grabbed J's hand, turning us into one very awkward human chain.

"No need to be afraid," I joked, "Uncle Felix is here to take care of you." They all laughed a bit, but nobody let go. "Harry, if you would proceed to the annex?" I said.

The main house had only three bedrooms. The big master suite on the upper floor. And two on the lower floor where the main entrance was. Well, 'bedroom' was an understatement. They were suites in their own right, with separate bathrooms, a bedroom, and a small lounge space. Those two were reserved for Abbie and me.

Our new guests have been 'banished' to the annex – and the spacious loft above the outhouse in Donna's and Emma's case. Harry had one room, India another, Lizzie a third, while Juliette and Kimberly shared the final one.

Down the stairs, we went, along the hall, and through the corridor leading over to the annex. The laughter died down once we got going, and all three of them suddenly looked dead on their feet.

Looking at the three tired faces, I realized no fun would be coming from that quarter. I figured my best option was Lizzie. I bade all three of them goodnight and went back to the living room.

When I got there, I found Bella standing behind Lizzie's chair, wine glass at her lips, with the fingers of the other hand gently twirling the girl's hair.

"She fell asleep, poor thing," Bella said. "Completely exhausted. Same with the other one." Bella's voice was soft and smooth, like a velvet shadow.

I looked over at where India lay, slumped on the sofa, her legs arranged in a very unladylike fashion. She had indeed skipped underwear.

Bella snapped her fingers, and my head came up. "Once a pig, always a pig," she snorted.

I didn't bother replying. It was true enough.

She drained the glass of red. "Greg is helping Donna and Emma. When he returns, you can carry these two tarts back to their respective rooms." She put down her drink and started towards the stairs leading up to the master suite. Halfway there, she turned and added as an afterthought: "Then you boys can come back here and sit down to discuss how you want to share me. I want both of you. I want passion, I want heat, and I want it all night. No sulking and no fighting. Clear?"

I was too wrong-footed to reply.

"Is that clear?" she repeated with her chief executive slash dominatrix voice.

"Yes," I said and nodded for emphasis. Share Bella? With Greg? Greg of all people!

"I'll go slip into something less comfortable in the meantime," she began up the stairs.

That comment kick-started my imagination. I could easily imagine Bella in all sorts of less than comfortable apparel. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps we could turn the light down. Do it tag-team style or something. That should do the trick. Or did she mean we had to do her both at once, like a 'sandwich' in some poorly scripted porn? I couldn't be sure.

You never could be sure with Bella.

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