Chapter 28 - Enticing Emma (FINAL EDIT)

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I went over to the outhouse, up the outside stairs, and knocked on the door to the loft. There is a garage on the ground floor with a shed out the back. Nothing special. But the first floor holds a cozy loft. It only had two beds, but the room was big. In an emergency, you could sleep four more on the pullout sofa beds. More if you got some extra field beds from downstairs. The only downside was that it had only one small bathroom, little more than a toilet, and a shower cabinet. It was also a bit chilly during the winter. Not too bad right now, but if we hit twenty below it would get damn cold.

There was no answer, so I knocked again. Still no answer. I began feeling a little anxious. I knocked a third time, very hard. "Emma. Emma, you there?" Followed by insistent hammering with my fist.


I tried the door. It was unlocked, as expected.

I went inside and closed up after me. Didn't bother taking off my shoes or coat, just rushed inside to confirm my suspicions.

"I'm here," Donna's twin sister giggled at me from the far end of the room.

I very nearly shouted 'thank god,' but didn't.

Emma was lying on the bed, on her belly, facing me, her head resting on top of her hands. She looked a lot like her sister, only smaller. Shorter for one. Slimmer too. Not a lot of curves. Hair was a different shade of blonde too – but women and hair... it's all lies I tell you... I bet most women don't even know their natural hair color anymore.

She was naked. Of course, she was. Twice I had expected to find a sister dead. Twice I had found her naked in bed instead. Did this mean I had to screw this one too, just to maintain cosmic balance?

Instead of answering, I pretended to become conscious of my snowy shoes and quickly backpedaled into the entryway.

"No need to be shy!" she called after me.

I got rid of the shoes, tried to think of something clever to say, gave up, and walked back into the main room.

"I'm not the shy kind," I told her, "but you're nude." I tossed my coat on the sofa as I walked towards her – no way was she going to intimidate me by showing a little skin. "Some girls might get upset having a stranger walk in on them in the nude. Weird, huh?"

She laughed a little, showing me a row of perfect white teeth. They were very white. Too white to be real. Teeth so white they glow in the dark. Almost. Another thing we can thank Hollywood for.

"I'm decent," she replied.

She lifted her butt and wiggled it a little.

It was a decent piece of ass, all right. Small – Emma was a petite girl – but showing clear signs of having been worked hard with a clear goal.

But really, isn't it a bit weird when girls suddenly start pumping up just one specific part of their body? I guess it's no worse than boys working only their big muscle groups, rather than going for a more functional type of training.

She was wearing panties. I could see it now. Sheer, skin-colored ones. So technically not nude.

She let her butt drop and lifted her legs, showing off a pair of white sneakers. She paddled them back and forth a few times before allowing them to sink back down.

Sneakers? What kind of girl wears sneakers in bed? Not my kind of girl, that's for sure. Heels? Yes, please! Sneakers? Not so much.

"Tell me," she said and came up on her elbows.

I caught a glimpse of her breasts. They were much smaller than her sister's, perfect little mounts of soft flesh, just waiting to be caressed. Sheer panties and shoes, but no bra. It was debatable if she was nude or not.

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